Braxton Hicks


New Member
Hi Cathe! First congratulations to you and Jon on your new baby boy! He is so beautiful. I know how wonderful being a new mother is and how much you'll cherish ever moment with your new bundle of joy. I am five months pregnant with my second son and have continued stepping, weight lifting and walking. My fifth month of pregnancy I began experiencing Braxton Hicks while stepping, walking and even at rest. Should I be concerned when these occur while exercising or are they normal for pregnant women who exercise?
This is not meant to be a final answer, but I had this problem with my pregnancy, and it really scared me, as I had no contractions at all with my first. What it comes down to is that as long as they are BH contractions, that is fine. Your doctor should have some guidelines to go by that will tell you what to look for as far as problems (I don't really remember them all), but basically if the contractions stop whan you stop exercising you are OK. I remember I brought this up at every visit I was so worried, and all went fine- my son was born 3 days early. BLinda

Sorry, I should have said slow down. Mine never really stopped either. PS- I am not sure whether or not it is "normal"- they said I had an irritable uterus.
always check with your doctor

I get them alot too and my doctor told me as long as they don't hurt they are OK. Its just your uterus practicing for the bog day!
Braxton Hicks contractions.......

Hi Sandra,

Congratulations on Number 2. I too had these contractions with my second pregnancy, but not my first. I used to get them so intensely that I would have to stop teaching class when I got a "hard" one. They never really hurt, but were just uncomfortable and quite uncomfortable sometimes I might add! My advice is to check with your doctor, as I did. Also, make sure that what you are experiencing is just a "tightening" in your abdomen rather that any cramping. Cramping could be a sign of preterm labor and needs to be checked out ASAP by your caregiver.

Also, make sure that your are getting enough water. A water bottle should be your constant companion. Getting dehydrated can cause your uterus to contract.

Keep in touch.

I got them with both pregnancies but especially with my second. It would squeeze so tight that sometimes I would have to stop for a moment too. I really noticed them while exercising too. I started feeling them around month 4 with my second one. Maybe that was why I ended up naming him Braxton.

Thank you everyone for your helpful information. It always helps to hear from women who have experienced the same thing. At my ultrasound appointment, I asked my doctor about them and he said everything was fine. I did not experience Braxton Hicks with my first pregnancy and am relieved to hear I am not alone. I will continue to be diligent with my doctor to ensure everything remains fine. Again, thanks!

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