Bragging rights for 2005


I was just thinking that for me, today is not about making resolutions. It's all about celebrating my accomplishments in 2005.

What are you proud of accomplishing in 2005 (large or small, it's all good)?

I'll start:

IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF, IN 2005 I..........

1. Got a very difficult boss into a comfortable place.
2. Stood up for myself almost every time I needed to, even though it was VERY hard for me.
3. Stayed up to date and informed in my fast-changing area of the law.
4. Acted confident enough times that I actually started to believe it.
5. Stood up to the plate and asked for a raise or promotion even though it scared me half to death to do it.
6. Worked hard on keeping my marriage strong.
7. Went on my first 2-week vacation ever and even relaxed a little.
8. Found a way to get EVEN MORE fruit and veggies into my diet.
9. Allowed myself to be more vulnerable and to get a little closer to people.
10. Established a good relationship with my new daughter-in-law.

Okay, your turn.

Good for you Nancy. Ok, I'll bite....



3. GOT THRU NURSING SCHOOL CLINICALS (LOL, see how important this all is)

4. Quit my job, started a new one

Boy, that is about it. That is enough for me. I have a longer list of things I SHOULD HAVE done.LOL
WOW Nancy! I didn't know I could be so proud of someone I don't even know!:)

What was the way you found to get even MORE fruits and vegetables in your diet? I'd hate to think I'm missing out on a super duper diet trick!

For me the year was pretty routine in all areas but that is a good thing because that means I still have a very healthy lifestyle, a good part time job that allows me to work from home, a happy, healthy family..... New friends are always a benefit and I'm happy to say I've added a good one to my list.:)
Elaine, you are so sweet! Thank you so much.

This is what DH and I have been doing this year:

Every Sunday we buy salad veggies like lettuces, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage, white cabbage, radicchio, endive, carrots, onions, or whatever looks good and is in season. We also buy packages of Perdue short-cuts chicken.

We have it down to a routine where we spend about an hour on Sunday rinsing, slicing, dicing the veggies into bite-sized pieces. I bought a mandoline which is great for a lot of the veggies, and DH bought an onion dicer machine which he LOVES. LOL. We put all the processed veggies into plastic bags in the fridge.

Then, most weeknights, we get out the plastic bags and make HUGE salads, with about 4 ozs. of chicken, tuna or salmon thrown in. Preparing dinner during the week literally takes about 5 minutes.

So, I am eating tons of healthy veggies most week nights no matter how late I get home or how tired I am! No excuses anymore to eat fast food or junk for dinner. And it's absolutely delicious, especially with Newman's lite balsamic vinegrette dressing. :9

I don't have too many.

My son got done with therapy yesterday. I think that's the biggest thing for me this year. And I don't even think that's MY accomplishment since he did all the work. I was just the one who made sure he went to every session.:p

As far as fitness goes, I finally found out what leans me out fast -- a good combination of food ratios and cross training. Who knew? When I did this, I ended up leaner than when I was at the roadtrip.

That's it. Congratulations, Nancy! You accomplished a lot this year. Happy New 2006!

I think you all deserve huge bragging rights!!

I've had a really bad year in all areas non-fitness. My DH would say I haven't, it just feels to me like I have. He doesn't understand that feeling means that for me, I've had a bad year, LOL.

I'm not proud of law school yet, and my job has been a disaster as I'm incredibly unhappy being there. Then again:

I did quit working for a man I had been working for for the past 10 years (leaving only to work at camp, move away to live with DH, etc, no reason that I didn't like working for him until this year), and last week when he asked me to come back, I replied that the reasons I had left in the first place were good reasons, and nothing had changed... that took a lot of guts.

I did start working out with Cathe, and gain strength and what feels like a new body. And, of course, discovered the forum. I don't know that I'm proud of all of this, but it makes me so happy and peaceful, I'm including it!!

DH and I decided to go to Hawaii in a few months. We never went on our honeymoon there, and the fact we never went has been making me really sad for 3 years. Thanks to a friend of mine, she gave me the straight talk to just GO and I'm grateful and glad about that. So we're going on our modified honeymoon three plus years later. Which we need, as we've been talking that "we" don't exist any more- no real emotional (or physical) connection these days. :(

I have been able to run a few days a month this year, which I'm glad about. And I realized some days my leg will hurt, but it won't break again, so it's okay to keep going.

See what I mean? Not really anything to "brag" about, but I'm still plugging along, LOL.
I also started working out to Cathe this year...5-6 days a week

Got the "junk" vids that I never used out of the house (gave them to a friend who LOVES them!)...

Started, and have continued, food combining...One goal for '06 is to become a veg-head

After cutting WAY back on smoking in '04, I officially QUITE mid-summer of this year...

Cut out all caffine and only drink organic, decaf coffee

Took dairy out of my life

Took sugar and "fake" sugar out of my life

Had the best year since starting real estate

Accepted a job as a district manager for an outlet retailer, and will continue real estate on the side

Saw ABS, cut ABS for the first time in 10 years! YIPPEE!!!

Lost 15 pounds
Okay, ladies, I'm just plain disappointed. Not because you haven't accomplished enough, but because you can't see it.

Pinky, a Mom like you deserves ALL THE CREDIT IN THE WORLD. What you accomplish every day by being patient and loving and supportive is AWESOME. You do not seem to get angry or exasperated or impatient. And even if you do, you would never dream of blaming your son. But you take that for granted don't you? Of course you do. It would never even occur to you. All you do is see the beauty in your child and appreciate all the good moments. You deserve a Mother of the Year award.

And Amy, getting through another semester of law school is a VERY BIG DEAL. This was a hard year for you. But you got through it, didn't you? Tell us more about that. Focus on that!

C'mon ladies. Don't make me scold you anymore. This is pathetic!

Editing to say MJ has the right idea. Good for you, MJ!

-Very Disappointed in Brooklyn
Gee, Nancy, sorry to disappoint you!! ;)

The things I'm proudest of mainly all relate to me being me. And that hasn't been just in 2005!! But it is nice to see that with each year, I learn more about myself and how to be me.

Sigh. I guess today just isn't a big proud day for me. I wanted to go to that party yesterday with DH and he didn't show in time. (We would have been at least 2.5 hours late!) Today, he's gone all day and I don't think I'll see him before midnight. My relationship with him has been a real drag this year, and that's kinda what I'm focusing on this morning. I'll get better after I start putting all the Christmas *&%%^!! away. I promise. :)
MJ, WOW!!!!!!!! You quit smoking and cut out caffeine and lost 15 lbs. in the same year? I'm speechless, and that doesn't happen too often.
My resolution for '05 was to lead a healthier life...I think I've accomplished that this year! And yes...It was TOUGH!

There's a recent thread on Marilu Henner, and I read it earlier this year...30 Day Make-Over...Did that, and never looked back...Once I was feeling great on the inside, I started working out to Cathe on Fit TV, and then found this forum...Then the shop online button!!!

It's been a year of change and growth, personally and in the job field...I forgot to put in my earlier thread that I took a 3 day "self-help" seminar (LandMark Forum) and I think that has quite a bit to do with the changes I've made to my life this year...A MUST for anyone who isn't happy with any aspect of their life (career, relationships, etc...)...I hope to take the advanced forum this year, and then figure out "what I want to be when I grow up"!!!

Thanks Nancy, for your kind words and pat on the back!!!

Did Marilu Henner help you accomplish all those things in the same year? Or was it the Landmark Forum? Usually people who quit smoking, drink more caffeine than ever for a while. And usually people who manage to quit smoking don't lose 15 lbs. in the same year. They are thrilled to maintain their weight. I am truly astonished at your accomplishments. Please tell us more! :eek:


P.S. I just told my DH about you and he said the only way to quit smoking, quit caffeine and lose 15 lbs. in one year is to die. LOL! No offense. He has a weird sense of humor.
I think Landmark helped me to realize what I WANTED (career, family, health)...It's a different way of thinking, really...Once I realized what I wanted for my BODY, Cathe and Marilu helped me to acheive it...I hope that makes sense???

Landmark helped with career goals the most...My volume (real estate) tripled this year...I actually was voted "Rookie of the Year" in my company (new to the company this year, not the business)...I focused on DOING not making EXCUSES...I can't WAIT for the advanced forum this year!

As for the smoking/caffine thing, I cut things one at a time...To be honest with you, I DID gain 5 lbs the first month...First I gave up coffee and smoking(my morning smoke didn't taste the same with a diet coke), then about a month later was caffine (switched to decaf organic from Diet Coke)...Caffine wasn't a big deal...And smoking wasn't too bad, either (I'd been down to 2 or 3 a day for a few months anyway)...It was the certain things that triggered WANTING those 2 or 3! A couple of things I did were clean the house and do crunches (I hate them both!) when I wanted one!

It was AFTER giving up caffine and smoking that I actually did the 30 Day Total Health Makeover. THAT was an eye opener in itself...DH is slowly starting to come around, though DD eats more like I do than he does...

Here's to a GREAT 2006!
I promise.

LOL, do me a favor and tell me what color shirt you're wearing today. I just realized I always think you all (with photos) wear the same thing every day!!! This goes for anyone with a photo.

Personally, I'm not in running gear- I've got my red plaid pajamas on still, at 11:30. My Cathe tee is in the laundry, I'm planning to put that on whenever I "get up".
Awww Nancy, thank you for your kind words. I did get angry and tired. I won't even talk about the bouts of depression I've gotten into since we started trying to find out what was not quite right about Andrew. I knew, two days after I took him home that something didn't feel right about the boy, but everyone told me it was just new motherhood jitters. It took a long, long time before I was able to prove everybody wrong. People said it was ADHD. I also knew it wasn't, based on my personal research. Again, it took so long before I proved myself right. Saying it hasn't been easy is an understatement, but through it all, I've met families and parents who have it worse, and yet they thrive. Their faith in each other humbles me.

I guess you're right. I take things for granted. If it's not relevant to my boy, I push it away. You know what they say, keep your eye on the prize.;-) No, I can't and won't blame the child. Why would I? He never asked for this. No one did. The way I see it, some things just are, and you do the best with what you are given.

Just so you won't "scold" me anymore, let me add something. I did get to finally do unassisted pull-ups and chin-ups this year. I almost forgot about that.:p

Well, Pinky, the pull-ups and chin-ups are very impressive, but I still think that being the kind of Mom you are takes the cake for accomplishments this year. And I'll bet anything there are lots of other things you should be proud of that I don't even know about. But kudos on the pull-ups and chin-ups.

BTW, what's the difference between a pull-up and a chin-up? (You can see how many I've done. LOL.)

My turn...

> Became mother to a high school graduate :eek:
> Sold a business we've owned for 20+ years
> Moved out to the country to a home I feel so underserving of that it brings tears to my eyes. We landed here after the owner of the first home we "bought" backed out of the sale three weeks before the closing. (Thank you, Lord.)

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...embrace it...don't fear it." - Cathe Friedrich

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