Bouns CCPP Saturday

I haven't done CC PP yet, but other CC's are WONDERFUL on the elliptical. You'll love it!
TeTe, just let it rrrrrrip! You'll have to play around with your elliptical settings and adjust them according to your perceived exertion. My elliptical has the adjustable ramp so I can increase the incline as well as the resistance, making it great for hill climbs :D

ETA that some people don't like doing sprints on the elliptical but I love it. Of course, I've never done them on anything but an elliptical so I'm used to it. I maintain some resistance for the sprints and adjust the incline to a medium setting.
Thanks, Michele!

I've been saying I was going to do a CC, but I just haven't. It's too hot to walk/run here and I've done enough step for the week...this seemed like as good a time as any. Doing it with the Catheites and for a good cause -- well, it just makes sense! (Yeah, when I'm a big puddle on my workout room floor tomorrow, I'll be singing a different tune!:p )
Boo hoo for me. I don't have any cardio coaches and now I feel oh so very left out....

I just donwload them onto my ipod, right?

Michele and others: I want to join in, but I'm afraid I might not get into it and then not have time for a "real" workout.

Let's say I'm at level 3 and Coach says "now sprint". Does that mean you go to Level 4? I'd better go read about this on the website.

I was afraid of the same thing but I did enjoy it and I found it very challenging. Now, I will admit I'm in the minority in that I like iTread better, but I really like Cardio Coach. I was really worried that I wouldn't know what Sean meant when he gave the ranges (Grace gives the exact numbers) but I was able to figure it out and got a great workout. I enjoy it wnough to do it two weeks in a row!

Come on...try it! If you don't like it, at least your money goes to a good cause (the Choose Living Foundation).
Nance, I would be THRILLED if you joined us for the CC PP workout. I saw your post in the <--- thread and I have nothing to add to what Emily and Shannon have already told you. All I can say is, I've never known anyone who didn't love this workout and feel completely inspired by it.

I know how much you love to get on the treadmill with your music -- this is nothing like what you're used to. It's interval training with, what I like to call, movie music. I always feel like I'm in a movie when I'm doing a CC workout, and the challenges are like the bad guys trying to get me and I have to run for my life. I know -- I'm weird:p ;) :7 .

CC workouts are appropriate for exercisers at every fitness level. Coach Sean will tell you if you're going to sprint or climb a hill, and it's totally up to you to set your own pace based on your perceived level of exertion, or your HR monitor readings.

The PP workout is especially motivating and I have yet to do the workout without getting teary eyed at some point. It was designed as a fund raiser for the Choose Living Foundation and it's peppered throughout with commentary by the founder, Jim MacLaren: . This guy's story is amazing.

Let us know what you decide -- and I hope you join us:*

ETA that even people who don't necessarily like CC workouts seem to like the PP workout. ;)

ETA again that I'm ROTFLMAO!! I start out by telling you that I have nothing to add to what others have said, and just look at this massive post -- lol! Sorry:D
Thanks Michele and Lorie!

I just looked at the website and it's great! Very easy to understand. :D I'm going to take my resting heart rate tonight and use the "advanced" heart rate calculator. Then I'll get on the treadmill with a little chart indicating where my HR should be at the different levels.

I'm going to download the workout tomorrow, but don't mind me. I'm not going to join this time. I NEED my cardio WO SOOOOOOO bad tomorrow, I can't play around. I'll try CC on Sunday, when I'm feeling less needy about my exercise, and more open to experimentation. ;)
RE: Bouns CCPP Saturday I would love to join you all.

I would love to join in the fun. I love that cardio workout. It is one of his bests but then again I love volumes 1-6 too. I love them all. I just received Body Pump today so I am anxious t try it out.

See ya in the workout

Good night,

Awesome, Nance! Can't wait to hear what you think! could do it with us today and if you don't feel like you got enough cardio (and I am not thinking that is possible with this w/o) you could do other stuff after. That way, you get to work out with us! :)

If not, we will be sending you positive CCPP vibes on Sunday!

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