Bouncing Back After Baby?


Hi, ladies,

I'm currently 6 months pregnant (almost 7), and some days I'm totally amazed with my body because I'm helping to grow another human being!!!! Whoa! And some days, I'm depressed with my body image because I'm much larger than I used to be . . .

So . . . at the moment, I'm just trying to eat as healthy as I can, but I'm definitely not dieting. But at times like these, my thoughts turn to bouncing back after baby. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for getting back in shape and losing my baby weight after delivery. So my question is this: how did you bounce back after baby? How long did it take? Did you lose all the weight? More? What was your plan for both eating and exercising?

I'm trying to get myself inspired again, and get over my negative body image. I'm sick of thinking of myself and my body in a bad way . . . especially since I will be having a girl, and do not want her to worry about her body in a bad way.

Chrissy, pregnancy is so hard on body image. I exercised through both pregnancies and ate fairly healthy but all the time. Within 3 months after each baby, I was within about 5 pounds of prepreggo weight. My body held onto a few pounds while nursing. After my first, I was thinner than I was before I had her. A year after having my second, my body shows little wear and tear from having kids, ok, a few vericose veins but I am 37. I still can wear a bikini , not just not too skimpy(but my abs were never washboard. I never dieted postpartum but did nurse. I began moderate exercise 2 weeks postpartum and resumed high impact 6 weeks postpartum. The figure does come back.
I agress totally....pregnancy isn't good on the body image! LOL I remember looking down at my thighs (after they started rubbing together:eek: ) and thinking...who owns these legs? And I thought they were never going to look as toned as they did before but they do now:)

I gained almost 50 lbs when I was pregnant and it wasn't b/c I ate alot or unhealthy, I just did. I also couldn't exercise b/c my back would ache so I just threw it all down and would deal with it later..hahaha

When I came home from the hosptial I was 22 lbs lighter and in the next 2 weeks I dropped another 4 lbs but then it stopped, thats when panic mode set in. I kind of needed some structure b/c I thought b/c I was bf'ing I could eat whatever I wanted but I couldn't so I signed up for ww's on line and I started working out at 4 weeks PP and at 6 weeks I really got into it again.

I lost all of my weight in 4 monthes and everyone keeps telling me that I am smaller then I was before. Maybe when I stop nursing and lose these boobs I will see it.

Good luck with you new little one and don't be to hard on yourself...enjoy your pregnancy b/c you will lose the weight after if you are focused.

Thank you, both! That definitely boosts my hopes. I know this is such a mental thing with me, and I know deep down that my body is doing an amazing thing right now, so of COURSE its going to be hard on my body. Plus I know deep down that I CAN lose it all and more if I want after baby. I just have to keep repeating it to myself.

You have both been great inspirations to me. Oh, and Lori, you and your baby are both beautiful!!!!! Thanks for sharing those pics in your signature!


PS - Do you guys work out of the home, or are you SAHM???
Hi Chrissy,
As optomistic as I sound now, I didn't enjoy my pregnancy as I should have since I was so afraid of losing my figure. At under 5 feet tall, I looked like a refrigerator despite minimal weight loss. Both my kids are girls so I am trying hard to send the right message. I keep telling my 4 year old to eat healthy so she can grow. I will say though at almost 4 she has great body image and will say everything looks perfect on her. If only us adults were as wise! I worked full time before I had my first and now only work about 10 hours a week.
I'm trying to
>prepare myself mentally for getting back in shape and losing
>my baby weight after delivery. So my question is this: how
>did you bounce back after baby? How long did it take? Did
>you lose all the weight? More? What was your plan for both
>eating and exercising?

First off, you have to tell yourself you are doing the most beautiful thing in the world. (even if you do not believe it!?) Just think how amazing your body is to be able to do what it is doing!!

I had twins in October (13 pounds of baby) - my stomach was HUGE!!! And, abs being my favorite part of my body, it was hard to accept that they did not look so great for a long time. I have to say that they are still getting better each day and I am giving myself one full year until I really start to complain! My sisters (who are all rails) said that is really does take a full year - of course, being type A I was going to prove them wrong, but lo and behold...I am still in the challenge and a year is approaching, it is true - you MUST give yourself a year before falling apart.

At about 4 months pp, I lost all my weight, but it still wasn't "my body." It had new shapes!?! But, every week, I swear, I am beginning to recognize myself again. I have been working out 5-6 days per week, but not nearly as hard because I am so tired everyday from taking care of them! But, the MOST important thing is eating clean!! Not only to lose the weight, but because you NEED your health to be able to do this job - you need to fuel yourself properly. I have been lifting a lot more to get tight again and to be able to carry them around.

GIVE YOURSELF TIME! GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! Pregnancy not only changes your body, it can change your priorities too. I still love to look fit and be in great shape, but when I am negative towards my body because it is not getting there as fast as I would like, I just look at my babies and then I could care less...Take time for YOU! DEMAND to have at least an hour a day just for you, whether it is for working out, meditating, taking a shower...whatever...make sure you get time for yourself. You will get back into shape, just make it a goal, but give it a FULL will look divine again!!! :))


Hi everyone...
Question on this, since I'm going to start TTC in September.

Everyone I know that has had a baby says that "things were different" in regards to their body PP.
Would anyone mind expanding on that? What, specifically, was different? Feeling, appearance, etc...?

I realize that every body is different and we will all have different experiences. I'm just trying to really get a feel for what to expect with every part of having a child. And please don't sugar coat!
Hi Crissy,

I'm right there with you. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I'm really starting to hit the wall. Most of my pregnancy has been very easy, but the last couple of weeks have been tough. My body has become unrecognizable. Since this is my third, I know things will go back to where there supposed to be, but it's hard to imagine that right now. I'm counting the days until I can hold my new little one and start the long process of getting back into shape. Good luck to you!

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