Bosu Step please!

Vanilla sky

Active Member
Hi Cathe, Hi everyone,

I have recently bought a bosu DVD. The thing is so challenging and is a great calorie burner. You workout more that on the step because of the "balance" factor. The abs section is simply fantastic as well. I am a very advanced "Stepper" and working the Bosu has been a new adventure for me but not one I am ready to stop anytime soon.

The only thing is that tere is almost no DVD avalible. I know that if someone like CATHE would make one it would be just a safe, fun, challenging and deep workout.

So for the next year, I am asking Cathe if she would be willing to give it a try in the fitness club and if the response is good, why not a DVD?

I am looking forward to hear everyone's comments and Cathe's also.

Have great Holidays!
NAncy :7

That is a great idea. I also have a bosu and love to use it. Cathe would be an excellent instructor for BOSU training! BTW, have you tried CIA's Double Cardio, Nancy? It is pretty good and includes 2 workouts (one using a BOSU). Take care...:D

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