Bosu question...HELP!!!


Hi All!!

I'm trying to decide whether to take the plunge and order a Bosu. I've been agonizing over this for awhile. Lo and behold, DH gave me the heads up to order one. (Now how can anyone resist that?!)

Anyhoo, does anyone have one, and if so, how do you like it? Can you do Cathe's workouts with one? I'm not sure if I'm ready to order a bunch of Bosu DVD's. I did order Mindy's Awesome Strength ~ she did all the exercises on the Bosu and they looked hard!!. Deb, I thought I read in a previous post you wanted one. Did I dream that, or is it true?

TIA for your input!!!

Hi Sherry!

If you are talking about me, YES, I'd LOVE to have one! The price has definitely deterred me from getting one, not to mention my workout room is getting sooo equipment-filled, I will SOON run out of room to exercise! ;-) You have one super hubby! Trust me, if I had the opportunity to get one, I would. Keep me posted after yours arrives! I wish I could give you more info on it.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi DebH!!

Yep, you're the one and only Deb!! Well, I guess you gave me enough to go on. Since I do have the opportunity, and you said you'd get one if you had the opportunity to get one you would, I suppose I have no other choice.Of course, you know I have you to blame for this unless I get any more responses telling me not to get one!

Hi Sherry,
I too would like to have a BOSU. I bought Mindy's Awesome strength and thought it would add a lot more of a challenge to the workout. I just used the bench and weights. They are a little pricey so would like to know if it really would be worth it. I tried to add in a little more of the stability ball into Mindy's workout on the floorwork but kept wondering if the Bosu would not be so much better. I think Francine has one but she is on Hiatus. I would like to hear from someone that has one.
Diane Sue
Hi Diane!!!

Well, I took the plunge and ordered one. I got it from It was $129.99 including shipping and handling. I'll let ya all know how I like it. I just LOVE getting new stuff, don't you?

Those exercises Mindy did did look a lot tougher on the Bosu, huh? Especially those things she called a dead bug!!! Wowee.

I think Aimee also has a Bosu. Would love to here from her as well.

RE: Hi Diane!!!

Hi Guys!! Nope, nope, nope..... I don't have one, but like almost everyone else, I'd love to have it:7 !

Well I just order a BOSU this very morning! And, I also have Mindy's Awesome Strength so I'll report back once I get it!
I've been wanting one too...I'll be quite interested to hear what you guys think. They're so darned expensive, but I need all the balance work I can get!

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