Bosu instead of step.


Would like to see Cathe start to incorporate the Bosu into her workouts. I use it instead of the step everywhere Cathe uses the step for cardio. It is much harder however much kinder to your joints. Everything gets stronger after you have been using the Bosu for a while.

Cathe would you please consider using the BOSU?

This is my first time posting so I'm not sure if I am doing it right or if it will end up in the right place.
Yes, this is exactly the right place Abbygail. I think you have a great suggestion! I agree that a Cathe Bosu workout would be incredible! I would also like to see Cathe use a body bar as well.

Hi Carolyn,
Some of Cathe's older videos do use a bady bar. I believe the DVD is PURE STRENGTH. There are 3 workouts on one DVD.

Yes a Cathe Bosu workout would be AWSOME!

Does Cathe ever see any of these suggestions? I am new to this forum but, I don't think I have ever seen her reply!

Thanks for responding!
Abbygail, she doesn't respond to this forum but I'm sure she reads it. There were LOTS of requests for a 4 days split and a travel workout on this forum and that's what she's planning on doing (obviously she's releasing the 4 day split this month). So I do think she takes these requests into account. :)

Yes, I would like Cathe can come out Bosu and mini trampline workouts to be more joint friendly.


"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
Yes I know I cannot jump on the floor without having joint pain especially knee; however on the BOSU (when I can stay on which is most of the time now) I can do anything Cathe does on the floor without the impact to my joints and I never seem to have ANY knee or joint pain when using it.

I have to say I have never tried the trampoline but to me the BOSU is the best cardio invention since the step!
I'm hoping to purchase a bosu in our travels. Love the idea if Cathe and crew could master up a routine for this.


The idea is to die young as late as possible
Yes, yes! Bosu, please! There are only a couple out there that are "somewhat" advanced and I'd purchase a Cathe one in a heartbeat. Seems like mostly advanced exercisers buy the bosu and would be likely to buy more challenging DVD's, too. My poor bosu gets dusty although I'd LOVE to use it more!
It is an awesomely advanced workout if you use the Bosu instead of the step. Have you tried to use your Bosu for any of Cathe’s step workouts?
I have and I think that you burn 3 times the calories; and that is if you can hang in there and actually do it!

You already have a Bosu so give it a try. Substitute your Bosu for any of Cathe’s step workouts. The extra benefit is that you also get an awesome and unbelievable abdominal workout as you do your cardio. Your balance improves drastically in a short time too (you probably already know this though). Let me know if you try it.

I agree though it would be great for Cathe to come up with a Bosu workout!

No, I haven't tried any of the step workouts on the Bosu yet. I was afraid it would be too difficult to convert the moves so it would work. Are there any particular Cathe workouts that are well suited to the bosu? I'm intrigued, now! :)
Actually, you can do any of Cathe’s step workouts however; the newer ones have more moves that are dynamic and therefore are much harder. One of the DVD’s that seem to have more basic moves is the step workout on the first part of Body Max. You do have to remember also that the Bosu is a little wider so just be aware of that when you straddle it. It is round so doing the A-step you have to angle yourself on the floor from the Bosu. Also anytime, you step back to squat with one leg and then back up to step on the Bosu it is much harder (especially if you don’t touch back down to the Bosu) as you have to tighten your core and balance on your other leg. This kicks in every muscle of your leg (OUCH) to get you back up to the step. It also kicks in your abs. The more you use the Bosu in place of the step the easier it becomes to convert the step moves to the Bosu.

Just go SLOW as you need strong ankles (which they will become stronger the more you use the Bosu too) and so jumping and landing on it is much more difficult. Actually, everything you do on the Bosu activates more muscles of your body to do a single move. I think that if you can last for 10 minutes on the Bosu at first you are doing GREAT!

My joints don’t hurt though when I use the Bosu as you always land on a soft surface. The Bosu conforms to your body instead of your body (both ankle and knee) conforming to a hard surface like the step.

YOU CAN DO IT! I have been using the Bosu for almost 2 yrs now. I have the mini trampoline DVD workouts (I do not have the mini trampoline though) and I can do any of those workouts on the Bosu. I am now doing turns, squat tuck jumps and landing back on the Bosu with ease now. It still tires me out so much. It is unlike any other cardio invention that I have worked on to challenge me and my face gets beet red by the time I finish my workout on it. I still struggle though for the slower moves (Balancing on one leg etc.) and the squat moves I told you about earlier. It is also a challenge to use the Bosu for many of the moves you can do on the High Step as the unstable surface takes place of the height.

I am so excited for you as your Bosu now will never get dusty again. There is so much more you can do on the Bosu. Let me know how it works out for you.
Thanks for the GREAT advice! I'm actually going to order the High Step Challenge (I bought the high step for the new 4 day split workout), so I will try it on the Bosu, too! I hear you about the ankles...I totally feel that after doing the CIA Double Cardio on the Bosu. I also have the Body Bar/Bosu one by Mindy Mylrea (can't remember the exact name), but that's pretty easy. I've got BodyMax, so I'll have to try that one on the bosu, too! It just seems like you feel things all over after the bosu..yes even the abs, so true! Have you found any dedicated bosu workouts that are good? Or do you just do the modified step? I wonder how the LIC and Lowmax workouts would be on the bosu...maybe the simpler low impact moves can be easy to alter but yet ramp up the intensity versus low impact on the step?

Anyway, thanks for all your suggestions! I just hate that I haven't had more to do on my bosu so I will try your ideas out!


I have not found a step video/DVD (including Cathe’s) that I could not do on the Bosu. Even the complicated ones can be converted; it might just take you longer to learn the moves (but this happens on the step too). The only move that I have not been able to do is the side lunges when they are done extremely fast. Sometimes I have to improvise and shuffle as I tap my toes on top of the Bosu. However, I can do them to a slower pace. It is just that the Bosu is wider (and I am short 5’2) and the softness of the surface doesn’t allow you to perform that move to a fast speed. Some of the jumping moves can also be made harder on the Bosu as it takes more effort to jump off the soft unstable surface while preserving you joints on the landing but unstable surface (again makes it a challenge to land). I am able to jump with so much power now.

As for specific Bosu DVD’s I have always liked Gay Gasper’s “Reactive Strength and Power” as she has some fun moves and incorporates weights in a portion of it. I also like Rob Glick “Cardio Fusion”. He has an advanced segment where you perform everything on top of the Bosu (jumps, jump turns, running sequences, slalom, cross-country etc.). After I was able to complete specifically this segment easily was when I purchased the mini trampoline DVD’s. Those are also fun to do on the Bosu. Rob Glick also has one called “Calorie Combustion” that I do not have however; the preview has all the same moves in it as "Cardio Fusion". You can see a preview of all of these at

I picked up a Bosu about a week ago and have done "Bosu Blast", and Cathe's "Basic Step & Body Fusion"and "Low Impact Step" on the Bosu.

I plan to work through my Cathe collection on the Bosu beginning with the more basic step routines.

Although doable, I didn't care for "Basic Step & Body Fusion" on the Bosu as it was a little too slow. I really liked "Low Impact Step" on the Bosu finding it more peppy. I found I could get a little bounce going especially on the over the top moves which were lots of fun. The pendulums are a little challenging for me and mine look more like running in place :D right now.

I like to workout without shoes and boy could I ever feel that in the feet and ankles with the Bosu as I think the feet are "grabbing' the the surface for more stability.

Yes, I hope to see more cardio workouts in the future on the Bosu. I used to do rebounder classes in the gym many years ago and then eventually they weren't offered. I asked the manager why and was told they were "out of fashion." I never could figure this out as I thought they were some of greatest workouts, and being able to jump like we did without the impact on the joints almost made me feel like a world-class athlete! Hope these come back too.
That is great that you are able to incorporate the Bosu to step workouts in a week! Especially Cathe’s.

Yes, the tick tocks can be challenging depending on the previous move going into it. You can add more power to any of the workouts to make them more challenging as you probably already know.

I never workout without my shoes on as I need more support for my ankles. You must be so very coordinated.

When I go to the gym, I take my Bosu to use in place of a step for their step workout. Now a few others there also use the Bosu too instead of step. It is very challenging and maybe you could try that too.

I have tried the rebounders however; I did not care for it as I do the Bosu. I am able to do the rebounder workout on the Bosu. Very challenging but fun as it adds more variety. If you like, the rebounder classes try them on the Bosu. However, like you I do not understand why they are out of style. Both of these workouts are joint friendly.



Even Diamonds are made from Pressure!
What a great idea!!!! I am always looking for that extra challenge! So today, I just ordered the Squeeze workout,NOW I HAVE TO ORDER A BOSU!!!!!:D This is such a great forum with so much wonderful information. I checked out- I think it was a forum for Oxygen Magazine, and everybody was so mean, I was afraid to post. I didn't want to be in such a negative place. But you guys are awesome!!
You will love the Bosu. I can guarantee that it will be the most used (or one of them), challenging, and diverse, piece of fitness equipment you will ever own.

That is an Abbygail guarantee!


Even Diamonds are made from Pressure!
Yes I agree with everything said about the Bosu. Awsome advanced workout. I have only had it a couple of months and am now able to use the Bosu instead of the step with other step workout DVD's. Extremely difficult to use Bosu instead of the step though. I still cannot make it through a complete workout as my leg muscles just give out. :p

Would like to see what Cathe could do with a Bosu workout!

Jen :)

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