bootcamp or terminator dvd


New Member
Hey everyone! I am trying to decide whether I should get the bootcamp dvd or the terminator dvd next. I do circuit workouts 2 times a week (cardio 4 times) and would like to add a new workout to my library. Should I try bootcamp before terminator or do you think I could just jump right into terminator? I'm attracted to the terminator because it has 3 workouts on it but I'm concerned I should ease my way into it and try bootcamp first. Your suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

I would suggest getting Boot Camp / Muscle Endurance first, with a short timeframe to get Terminator next. They are both awesome DVDs. The Boot Camp / ME DVD has many premixes, including premixes within each workout AND a separate bonus premix that mushes BC and ME together. So it could be said that you have many more workouts at your disposal with that one too.

If you get Terminator first, that's totally fine too. The choice between Terminator and Boot Camp is almost a coin toss.

I have both and I love both, but my personal choice would definitely be the Bootcamp/ME workouts. I don't do ME as much as Bootcamp, but Bootcamp is so stellar it's worth getting the DVD.:D
I have both and I love both. Terminator is just AWESOME. I think it's my favorite Cathe DVD. And two of the sections don't use Boot Camp.

Boot Camp also kicks my a-- every single time I do it. It's well worth the money.

If I had to choose between the two, though, I'd choose Boot Camp.
I totally agree with A-Jock. Get the Bootcamp/ ME DVD first then get the Terminator DVD. But eventually, you MUST have them both.:)

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