Bootcamp kicked my butt!!!


Yesterday I did Bootcamp for the very first time - OMG was that murder. }( I have to admit that I did not get through the entire workout. I did finish it but during the cardio drills I had to modify to a lesser intensity. I"m hoping that after a few times I'll be able to do the entire DVD in its entirety.
Yesterday I did Bootcamp for the very first time - OMG was that murder. }( I have to admit that I did not get through the entire workout. I did finish it but during the cardio drills I had to modify to a lesser intensity. I"m hoping that after a few times I'll be able to do the entire DVD in its entirety.
Bootcamp is my current favorite of the Cathe's I have. It is exactly the type of workout I love to do! Now, if I can just get the steps down in Step Blast...!!!
Bootcamp is my current favorite of the Cathe's I have. It is exactly the type of workout I love to do! Now, if I can just get the steps down in Step Blast...!!!
It's amazing how much easier BC gets if you consistently include it in your rotation. Good for you for modifying when you need to. If you stick with it, you'll be surprised at how soon you won't need to modify any more.

It's a wonderfully efficient circuit workout -- one of my favorites!
It's amazing how much easier BC gets if you consistently include it in your rotation. Good for you for modifying when you need to. If you stick with it, you'll be surprised at how soon you won't need to modify any more.

It's a wonderfully efficient circuit workout -- one of my favorites!
I did BC for the first time this morning, the weight sections were fine but I couldn't believe the cario parts. The last few Curcits whenever she said "time for another cario section", I said aloud, "you've got to be kidding me we just did one", I should probably apologize to Cathe for all the unpleasant things I said to her this morning. I had to modify some of them as well. OK I admit at times I just stood there and said "no way" to the TV.How does Curcuit Max compare? Sue
Hi there!

I love BC, too! It's true, the more you do it, the "easier" it becomes. I do it once-a-week. Actually, I usually start each week with BC because (1)to get it out of the way and (2)it seems to make me look forward to exercising the rest of the week. I get so energized from doing BC! For the past month or so, I've been doing the cardio/leg plus core only premixes to get more of an interval workout. This week, however, I went for a run on Sunday since the weather was so nice. Tomorrow is a cardio day for me and I think I may do BC original. :)

Bootcamp rocks!!! Its soooooooooooo hard. Ouch! But i like the workout, very good, nice to see men as well, as i think this workout is more asseble for men than perhaps some of her other videos.

W x
RE: Bootcamp kicked my butt!!!(brianneD)

LOL BrianneD..I have to laugh because I said the same thing- sometimes I look at her in that tv and say....oh-no we are not doing that- YOU are doing that....but then I chuckle to myself just walk in place for a little and I find myself rewinding the tape and doing it anyway! and if I ever yell at the tv and call out names- it's just because I'm frustrated with myself- it's not really directed towards her. I always apoligize..even though she can't hear me. That is all very good. you don't want to do a workout where you breeze through it- ya know? I have so much fun with Cathe workouts and today is my boot camp day and I'm ready to tackle it again!!!
RE: Bootcamp kicked my butt!!!(brianneD)

I find that if I include this in a rotation for a while it gets "easier" not easy...but when I come back to this one no matter what kind of cardio I've been is so HARD!!!! In my opinion it is one of Cathe's toughest workouts. Even though BodyMax is longer I find it "easier" to get through than BC. I also have to make sure I have just enough energy to get through but if I eat anything(no matter how small) right before I do BC I get nauseated especially after the squat thrust climbers!:eek:

I too did bootcamp for the first time today! This morning at 5am mind you. In fact, I've got to get to bed real fast so I can get up in the morning and work out again (so inspired is this 41yr old mother of twin 3-old boys). I cannot believe the stuff that this totally bionic woman can do! As if the airborn jacks are not enough, she throws in those spring-down-on-your-knees-and-jump-back up things on us. Having avoided circuit videos for ten years, and now with a month under my belt of Cathe rotations, I am amazing myself at being able to half of a tape like BC. It really is a very fun workout, all that said, and I will definitely be returning to it-LOL.
RE: bootcamp

Hey, twinmumsy, I don't know what time zone you're in, but I was doing Bootcamp at the same time this am! My 'Thursdays' workout is Bootcamp each week.

I started out HATING the speed skating cardio move, but now I LOVE it--it's my favorite thing of all.

Glad to hear that some of you walk it out and then rewind, all the while telling the tube that 'YOU girls can do that, I'M not gonna!' :7 Sometimes I just HAVE to make it through, becasue everyone is gettting up for breakfast at 6, and I have to be done---can't rewind the whole thing! ;)
RE: bootcamp

I'm on west coast time, Seattle. You don't say where you are, but the idea of synchronizing work-outs is fun, like you're really not doing it alone. I'll try bootcamp again next Thursday. I haven't worked out a rotation schedule yet, but I've got enough material now that I think I need to get organized. I've been doing Cathe for 2 months (before that keeping moderately in ship) and I have really got the bug!!
I just did this one this morning and man when Cathe gets to those thrust climbers, a.k.a. Terminators, I just want to die. I keep telling her enough already, but she really doesn't seem to listen. :7 But then, the rest is ok, until... those d*** icebreakers with the hop.:eek: My kids asked me why I am talking so mean to Cathe today.:)
Oh my goodness, I am fairly new to Cathe and am doing her Fat Burning rotation. This workout is by far the hardest that I have done. I really thought I might throw-up. I don't know why it was so hard because I did modify where I needed to. I attempt to make it through IMAX1 and 2, but Boot Camp....I can't imagine ever liking this one. It just was NOT fun. I know I need to do it again to give it a fair chance. Someone has done BC 4 times per week in the past and gotten great results within a few weeks. I cannot imagine being able to do that!

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