Bootcamp - anyone tried this?


Yesterday, I did Bootcamp without the cardio. There is no set premix for this, so I had to skip the cardio sections. I wanted a full body weight workout that wasn't going to make me too sore as I've been on holiday for a couple of weeks. It was really good! It felt very thourough and the core work is excellent.
I just did it the first time yesterday and loved it! Just got Intensity Series last week and have tried the 2 scariest now - Imax2 and Boot Camp (hoping someone doesn't tell me that those aren't the scariest!). I think I'm going to love this series, and Boot Camp especially - the core work is fantastic!
I've had BC since it first came out. I had put it away for a long time and finally dusted it off a few weeks ago. Man was I sore the next day! I have been doing it once a week since. I hate those squat thrust climbers. I can get through the first set and after those jumps I just don't want to go and do anymore! :eek: It's my favorite cardio/weight workout cause she leaves no muscle left behind!! Susan
Bootcamp. I love it and I love the squat thrust climbers too. All we have to think.Why do we love cathe? She is genteel and the best trainer in the world but, I have to be sincere, I love cathe because he leaves me without breath, because I smile and laught when I see those incredibles jumps and ¿quayos?in the 10 interval of IMAX 1, because yesterday I was able to finish all the biceps curls in ME.A Cathe workout is always a challenge to me.i have done cardio kicks today and Woooo I love the section of power drills.I have left all my energy in those jubs and punches,thats why I say CK is harder to KPC, because I give everything I got in my daily workout and this day I did cardio kicks.cathe has discovered to me that I am a sport woman and I really Love to workout. Two years ago I was overweight and my body has pain ,today cathe makes punchs,jump higher and be proud about me as never before.Now I have the confidence and autorespect I did not have and count the days to the weekend because I will have two days without work and lot of exercise.cathe, I want to suffer and cry with you in your hardcore series.¿Do we really want that cathe will be one of those exercise video makers that do not challenge us? I love to sweat bullets with cathe doing the workout better each day with patience and courage.I can not do all the terminator climbers too but I do one more each day.One day I will be able to do all and that will be a wonderful day.If you really want to do something, no matther the time you lose, you will do it.I love when cathe says in bootcamp ¿are you thinking if you are ready for this today? There is only one answer and that is yes.I say shouting yeeeees.I would like she would be able to hear me answering. Cathe I love you.Tomorrow I will do the gaunlet. Those terminator climbers are waiting to me.
:9 :9
Stayfit - I love your posts. They really motivate me and get me excited about Cathe Workouts.

Have a great weekend.

P.S. Tonite after work I am doing CTX kickbox. I did IMAX 1 yesterday and got through Interval 7. I must admit, I felt whipped after the warm-up, but kept plugging and got through 7. I will master this workout yet.

I was so proud of myself. I have not been following a particular rotation like I usually do. I just decided I was going to do whatever I felt like. Well yesterday, for some odd reason, I felt like doing a killer cardio workout and thought maybe I would do one of the Imax's but just couldn't get myself into that. I did Body Max WU&Step portion only then did BC Cardio Only then BC Core only....that was a great workout! I like the step section in BMax b/c it is fast and keeps the heart rate up and I don't have to tell you about the heart rate doing BC cardio's back to back...whew! It was a very high intensity cardio workout in under one hour! I also used the BC Upper only premix after C&W this week. I find BC to be very versatile and "user" friendly!:7
I have bootcamp on slot for this morning- getting psyched up this very minute to go and do. I've not done just the wt sections without the cardio but it sounds like a good idea when you just want to pump up those muscles.

Well I'm off to see how many of those darn terminater climbers I can do today. Allergies have been acting up so I have a feeling I'll be very winded today.

good day!!
You can't die doing those, can you? Because I have yet to do them to completion for fear of death....

i've done bootcamp without the core a few times.. but never without the cardio... to me.. IMO, that's one of the most important parts.. the cardio to get the HR up!

i just love bootcamp and don't have any problems with the squat thrusts... but i hate the ice breakers! maybe i jump too high?

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