Boot Camp


I just got the IS and did BC this morn. Wow. I love the way this workup is set up. Love the core work. When I first previewed I thought why isn't there more chest work. Uh-probably all those planks!! Tomorrow I'll take on IMAX2 and Mon I think I'll do the PUB?PLB bonus. Woo hooo!!!

BC is awesome.It is one of my favorites cathe workouts.I have problems with the abs segments but one of the best things of cathe workouts is that they are a challenge .Have fun. :)
BC does wonders for my cardio capacity and core strength when regularly put into my rotations. And adding 1-2 BC cardio intervals at a time to your other cardio workouts is a great way to incrementally improve your cardio capacity. I also LOVE Imax2 as well as the Pyramids. The Intensity Series is beyond compare!
How about those "terminator climbers" in BC? I hate 'em. I can't do all of them either because I feel like I'm going to die.
yeah those terminator climbers just about got me. I haven't done squat thrusts since junior high- LOL. Today I am pleasantly sore esp in the core.

I did Imax2 this am-whew!! I made it through with some modification, but man oh man did I work up a sweat!!

Damn! After reading this thread, I'm scared to try Boot Camp! Just tried Imax 2 for the first time, and it was awesome! Wondering why the step is lower than in Imax 1 when the drills aren't necessarily harder (although the 9th one is a butt kicker!). Am I going to die when doing Boot Camp?
I did the cardio only BC yesterday morning (4:00AM!) for the first time. I'm with 'ya on the "terminator climbers"! I'm gonna "kiss" the floor!
I did Boot Camp this morning, in fact, I do it once a week. What amazes me is no matter how many times I do it, it never gets any easier! The terminators leave me gasping.

It's a great workout!

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