Boot Camp Workout

I just wanted to make the comment that I just started Pyramid Upper and Lower Body this week and that was quite challenging. I did both twice this week. My last workout was on Thursday so on Saturday I thought I'd try the Bootcamp workout. I was scared from watching the DVD the first time throught that maybe I would tax my muscles too much. However, by keeping the barbell weight about 10lbs under Cathe and about 2lbs lighter with the dumbbells, I made it through the workout without feeling as though I were going to die. I think my muscles will be ready for Pyramid again on Monday. Its a fast moving workout and I'd recommend it. Has anyone tried the Muscle Endurance workout, does it have the same feel as Bootcamp?
I find Muscle Endurance to be more challenging to my muscles than Boot Camp, but that might be because I use Boot Camp as more of an interval workout than a strength training one. I always use light weights with that one. That's usually because I'm doing it between two days of strength training though. I think it all depends on how you use them. If you used light weights, Muscle Endurance could be more cardio in nature as well.


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