Boot Camp description

Cathe Friedrich

This circuit style Boot Camp workout is a total body conditioning workout which I've designed to increase your overall stamina. Its about 60 minutes in length and consists of a warm up, 8 fitness cycles, and a stretch. Each cycle has four fitness components which will always repeat in order (but never repeat the exercise). The four components are cardio, lower body, upper body, and core and each component lasts one TOUGH minute. You will have a brief recovery after each component to recharge your body and switch your equipment(when required). The exercises are basic but the output is INTENSE. It may take a few attempts to find that perfect weight, intensity, and technique, but once you find it get ready to take on this workout with the eye of the tiger!

Now is also a good time to mention that this workout is called Boot Camp strictly for its intensity and quick changes as opposed to relating to an actual military type workout.
Cathe, thanks so much for the descriptions. I'm so looking forward to these new workouts. We appreciate all the hard work you do for us and for giving us top notch ways to workout at home.
P.S. You guys look fantastic, btw.

Ditto my Mini-Apple friend. Cathe, thank you for taking the time out of your hectic life to shed some light on these workouts. I'm simply brimming with excitement and anticipation!
I have to say this is the workout I am most looking forward to (y'know, if I had to pick just one).
Thank you so much for everything!!! I can't WAIT!!!!!
How art thou, oh Fitness Goddess???
This sounds fantastic, just what I wanted from you and just what Santa Anthony (my fiance)is going to give me!

You wouldn't BELIEVE what I did tonight: 10-10-10 followed by a shortened version of MIS (I eliminated the second set of each exercise except chest and biceps. I was too exhausted to do abs).
I FEEL FANTASTIC!!! I am on a serious endorphin high.

How did you manage to do that workout without breaking a nail??????????

It's your world, girl. We're just in it ;-)
Cathe this tape sounds WONDERFUL! In the past I would always go heavy on the weights and then regret it later. This time around I'll go light on the weights at first till my old body here gets acclimated to this. I'll be posting to you most likely after I've done it. Thanks for everything you give us; pushing us to our limits. Take care, Kathy
You are the best!!! I'm looking so forward to the new workouts!! Thanks for everything-can't thank you enough.

Oh my! I ordered DVD 3 and have been wondering whether or not I should've gotten 2 as well. Guess what, I SHOULD'VE!! Off to place my second preorder!
Hmm "Eye of the Tiger"

I wonder if that's a hint as to a title to one of the songs from this workout!!
I can't wait for this workout!!
Dawn W

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