<--- BOO!

<---baked 3 loaves of pumpkin bread today
<---loves pumpkin bread
<---'s family also loves pumpkin bread, as there is only one loaf left!:eek:
<---hopes Wendy's mood gets better
<---felt like Wendy yesterday!
<---also doesn't care much for Halloween
<---tells Soosan BodyMax is da bomb!
<---can't wait for Desperate Housewives tonight!

<---doesn't watch Desparate Housewives, but is looking forward to ROME
<---braved Walmart today
<---made chili for dinner since Debbie woulldn't unass the stew recipe...it was yummy
<---got some great steals on workout clothes today
<---couldn't find any 6lb weights
<---loved all the calender ideas, but ended up getting a dry erase calender for my workouts
<---is too full and must go lay down now
<---got mix for pumpkin bread and will make it later(never had it before)

<--- has had no desire whatsoever for Halloween candy
<--- is completely indifferent about Halloween
<--- is desperately craving french fries, though!
<--- WANTS so badly to do a tough workout, but the back of her knee hurts :(
<--- doesn't care much about the pain, just doesn't want to do major damage
<--- is really, really sick and tired of injuries
<--- thinks IM3 + ME is an extraordinary workout
<--- hasn't even attempted IM3 yet! :O
<--- thinks chili sounds great
<--- doesn't think she's ever seen 6 lb weights
<--- is drinking a cup of decaf brewed with cinnamon
<--- thanks whoever on here suggested it!
<--- thinks she may hit Starbucks for dessert tonight
<--- is sorry about Wendy's mood, as <--- very much understands
<--- will be quiet now :D

<--- just finished GS C&T
<--- is having a hard time typing
<--- is not happy with her puppy tonightx(
<--- had an unexpectedly fab time at her sister's
<--- ate like CRAP this weekend
<--- hopes nobody is offended at her use of the word above
<--- has no other way to describe it
<--- definitely relates to Wendy's mood thing
<--- is not looking forward to this week
<--- is lonely
<---says hi to Shelley
<---loves GS: C/T
<---tells Shelley Gilbert is way too cute to be mad at:p
<---is feeling betrayed
<---doesn't understand why some people in <---'s life can't or won't acknowledge their truth....
<---is beyond lonely

<---is also a little lonely.must be contagious
<---made her first pumpkin bread and is devouring it with dh
<---like Tammy, should have made more than one loaf
<---just watched the best episode yet of Rome
<---is starting no sweets on Nov 1st to get self in check again
<---has showed excellent restraint b/c the past 2 weeks there has been a bag of mini butterfingers in my cabinet, and i have only had 3
<---throwing out candy if trick or treaters don't claim it
<---still has a headache
<---wonders what gilbert did to get in the doghouse
<---hates it when people don't acknowledge truth
<---hopes everyone is in a better mood tomorrow


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