Bonus Workouts on Intensity DVD's..


Hi everyone..

The other day someone posted to let us all know exactly how many "workouts" were on the Intensity DVD's. She put them all together..all of them along with the bonus workouts on each DVD...Does anyone remember the name of this thread or have a link for me??

Better yet..does anyone know how long the Bonus workouts are on the DVD's. I am talking about the workouts when you select "Pre-mix" on your main DVD menu. There was one for Pre-mix Upper Body and I thought that must be like an express version of PUB. Is this how these work?? I don't remember reading about this feature and was really amazed with the other post of how many workouts you get.. Please someone help. I want to do an Upper Body workout tommorrow that is around 45 min. long with the Intensity Tapes..

C'mon you guys!!! Doesn't ANYONE know?? I did a search for the old thread but did not find anything..this was recent...anyone remember???

I know Nadine posted some of them. However, funny you mention as I am looking for info on some of the extra sessions as well.

Do a search for Nadine as the author and you should find at least some of them:) I printed some of them lastnight?
I think I previewed this on the PUB--I believe it is just the going up on the pyramid--no down, so it should be about the time frame your looking for--I think there is another one of just going down the pyramid too.

Hope that helps
I knew you guys would come through for me!!! Thanks so much for the link Sharon..

HOWEVER, I find myself even more confused. Can you select these workouts on the main menu?? I guess I am perplexed because when I hit "chapters" on Muscle Endurance it gave me something like this:
Leg Press #1
Leg Press #2
Leg Press #3.. and so on with some other stuff..what I could not figure out is why does it say that on Muscle Endurance??? Cathe works the whole body in this tape...I have found several parts of my DVD's that have little bleeps of mistakes in them..they don't sound right or the pic gets fuzzy..anyone else. I have yet to preview all of them in their entirety, but it looked weird that the menu for Muscle Endurance would be all lower body...anyone???
Those Leg Press sections contain upper body work as well. I think Muscle Endurance has a leg section, then some an upper body part, another leg section, another upper body part. So, Leg Press #1 would maybe include back work, Leg Press #2 chest, etc. ..
Go to the mix and match section. I think it shows the specifics of each leg press section.
The premixes have their own section on the main menu ( I believe that from top to bottom it goes: Play Program, Chapters, Mix and Match, PreMix and then beneath the picture of the disc in the middle it has a bonus combo.
Hope that helped!
Not really, but I have yet to preview them all. I went to Cathe's homepage and am starting to figure it out. I will have to play with the DVD for a bit to really get it...Thanks!!

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