Bolinger Slip Locks for Barbells


HI ya! I just wanted to say thank you to whoever posted the post on the Bolinger Slip locks! I don't remember who it was :(

I ordered them off of eBay like you requested and got them today. They were only $2. I ordered 2 sets as I am thinking of getting another barbell to have 2 during Cathe's workouts. The eBay seller was awesome and he shipped immediately!

They are sooooo awesome and make changing wts a snap! Literally seconds!

Thanks again for your great words of advice.

I just love this forum! If I knew how to insert a bouncy smiley or frog in this new forum it would be right here..>>>>> XXXX <<<<<< but I don't so you'll just have to imagine I am thanking you with a kind, thankful bouncy froggy :+ For now you can just have my red nose smiley... he is my new favorite!
Hiya LuvCardio,
I don't remember who started that original thread for the sliplocks but I do remember throwing in my 2 cents and giving them rave reviews and the thumps up to ordering them. I glad you like them, they really are soooo much easier than the collars that came with my barbell. Like you I'm thinking about buying a second barbell it would make some of Cathe's workouts easier not to have to change weights.

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