
I just tried and it came up.

I sure hope Zuzana keeps the workouts coming cuz I've got a pink Gymboss timer waiting for me under the tree:)

I have been able to get to the workouts no problem. I have been adding them onto days when I have STS upper body workouts for a short cardio. What do you guys think of the length of the workouts?

Just an FYI do not go back in her workouts on YouTube... there was one that I thought was a step workout. Anyways, it was approaching another video format that made me very uncomfortable. I will be only viewing the ones on the actual site from now on.

I think that I will try and put together 2 of her 15 workouts and see how that goes.
Just an FYI do not go back in her workouts on YouTube... there was one that I thought was a step workout. Anyways, it was approaching another video format that made me very uncomfortable. I will be only viewing the ones on the actual site from now on.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by, "approaching another video format that made me uncomfortable". What about the format made you uncomfortable? It looks to me like the videos on You Tube are the exact same videos on her website. If you look at the videos on her website, they all have the You Tube logo on them. I've never seen a step workout on her website.

I know exactly what you mean. I came across a couple of her videos on YouTube that made me feel very uncomfortable too...
Same problem

I have the same problem. I have asked her and she never answered. I watch the new workouts on Youtube(no reps, description:().
I can only go to her website late after 11 PM or early morning if I am lucky:mad:. I tried many things with my computer and nothing helped. She just made some changes last week on her website, maybe that is the problem.
On my husband's laptop it works fine. I don't understand. :confused:

I just tried and it came up.

I sure hope Zuzana keeps the workouts coming cuz I've got a pink Gymboss timer waiting for me under the tree:)

I too asked for a pink Gymboss for Christmas so I can try some of her cardio workouts.

Lightning16 I think I know what you mean about "another format". The other day I was watching one of her workouts on my laptop when my son asked me what I was watching because it sounded like porn. She must wear a mic when she works out and you can hear her breathing patterns very clearly as she works hard through an exercise. Sometimes the camera angle is a little to "artsy" as well. ;)


Here is Zuzana's answer :)

Hi Timea,
We are having some issues related to changing our servers. Sorry for the hassle, but we have people working on it!
Thanks, timea. Is that a recent answer? Because I saw the message about them switching servers suddenly a couple of weeks ago, or whenever that was. So, they're still having issues, or is that an older answer (do you know?) Thanks!!

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