BodyBlast series rotation


Looking for suggested rotation for the bodyblast series which includes:
Kick, punch, & crunch
legs & glutes
push & pull
step,jump & pump
Step blast.

I just ordered this whole series & want to work it in for next week all together. I workout Mon - Sat. Here's what I came up with:

Mon - Supersets
Tues - Step Blast
Wed - Legs & Glutes
Thurs - KPC
Fri - Push & Pull
Sat - Step, pump & Jump

I put SPJ on Sat because that is the day I have more time but I'm wondering about doing the strength training two days in a row since I will have just done Push & pull?

Thanks for your ideas.

I have this one. I can't remember what month Cathe had this. I just cut and pasted in a word doc.


Week One: A basic order that flows well

Mon: Step, Jump and Pump (SJP)
Tues: Kick, Punch and Crunch (KPC)
Wed: Push Pull (PP)
Thurs: Step Blast (SB)
Fri: Legs and Glutes (L&G)
Sat: Off
Sun: Supersets (SS)

Week Two:

Mon: KPC
Tues: PP plus L&G (skipping the stretch on PP and skipping the warm up on L&G)
Wed: Off
Thurs: SB
Fri: SJP
Sat: KPC
Sun: SS

Week Three:

Mon: SB
Tues: SJP
Wed: Warm up and step only of SJP and the kick punch combinations and abs only of KPC
Thurs: Warm up and high intensity drills only of KPC plus PP (skipping PP warm up)
Fri: off
Sat: SS and L&G (skipping stretch of SS and skipping warm up on L&G)
Sun: Off

Week Four:

Mon: Warm up and step only of SJP plus PP (skipping warm up of PP)
Tues: KPC
Wed: Jump, Pump, Abs, and Stretch only of SJP (do a warm up of your choice before starting)
Thurs: Off
Fri: L&G
Sat: SB
Sun: SS
I just started incorporating this series into the last two weeks of my rotation. I love the results. I love this series.

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