Body shapers -ESPN video?


New Member
Has anyone used the body shapers ESPN beginner to intermediate fitness workouts? I just bought them both from Sam's club on DVD and I'm scared to open them in case they are not good and then I wont be able to return them. I've been looking everywhere for reviews on these and can't seem to find any. They were a great price $11.98 for each DVD but the cover looks a little cheesy - so if the reviews aren't great I will take them back.

Heeeelp! If anyone has used any of the ESPN videos, please respond.
If I recall correctly, Collage Video had a little write up in their catalog that it's not really for "beginners" and that unless you have gym style equipment at your home you won't be able to use the video very well. Most of the execises were on machines.
Hope this helps- Susan

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