
Hi everyone!!

Well, I am starting the Body Rx diet plan tommorrow. For right now, I am going to stick with Cathe workouts just so I can see how much of my "problem" is diet and how much is exercise. If I don't see any good changes with diet I will add the workout routine in lieu of Cathe on certain days.

Anyway, I am REALLY excited about this because it seems SO EASY. I know quite a bit about nutrition and what is in foods, so that part is going to be good. Just X amt. of protein and X amt. of carbs atleast 6 times per day. I am just floored that at 140 pounds I am allowed 280g. carbs per day!! Part of the problem I had with BFL was the carb thing. NO coffee!! This diet includes everything I already eat. Most of what I eat now is even a green protein or carb (except for the things I will be giving up which is definitly RED sweets :) But I think I won't miss my sugar treats as much because of the unlimited green carbs. Which seems to inlcude everything in my breakfast shakes, minus flax seed, but i do plan to still use that.

BUT, I noticed the book makes no mention of beans. I know this is probably considered a yellow carb, but it is so funny that they were just forgotton. They are so good for you!!

By my calculations, and I know Dr. Connoly does not go by calories, but in the most generous stage (cycle 1) of this diet, at 140 pounds, I am allowed the following:

140 g. protein= 560 cals
no more than 280 g. yellow carbs=1120 max cals
unlimited green carbs, which includes fiber one all fruits and all veggies!!!

Even without the sugar and the crap, I have to say the caloric allowment of this "diet" seems doomed for weight gain. But I am willing to bet that once you pack in that much protein, there ain't much room for those "yellow" carbs. I was having a hard time coming up with 280g. worth of carbs for what I eat NOW!! (Ok, minus the ice cream and pizza bad days)

This plan seems very exciting. Today I am going and buying all the protein I need for the week, which will be a TON since my husband is going to do this too.

Any of you guys sick of restricting your calories and anybody that does not like cardio and wants to gain MAX MUSCLE, I think will do great with this plan. I do think it is a major mistake of all of us to try and cut calories or even maintain them even when we are trying to add muscle mass.

I am not giving up cardio because I like it and frankly don't know if I can swallow Dr. Connoly's pill about how your heart gets worked in the same way weight training. That goes against everything I have ever read, so I think I will continue cardio. But only 2-3 times per week, IMAX still being a mainstay of my program. I also don't know if I buy what he says about soreness, and not making any progress unless you are sore. There have been many times i have lifted to failure only to not be sore the next day. I am going to buy those PLATEMATES though, and start doing a few dozen maximumly heavy reps with Cathe. I figure that will be the same. AND I am not giving up Squats, regardless of how "unfemale" he thinks it will make me!!!

I can see how the plan would feel complicated to someone who is not used to reading labels. That is all you have to know how to do!!!

Sorry for the long post, I am just so excited about this new plan. Thanks everyone for the recommendations to purchase this book!!!
You know, it is so funny how that looks like so much food. For me at 140#s, I am allowed a grand total, not including any of my "green"carbs, of 1680 calories.

But when you look at how many "carbs" are in a huge four tortilla, you will see it is 38. This would be considered a "yellow" carb. But that is a HUGE tortilla with a 220 cal. count!!! That is only 38 grams and I can eat 280 A DAY!! It makes me think that on most days, I am not eating 1680 cals, even though I thought for sure I was!!

Also, does anyone know, you are not supposed to calculate anything else in the yellow carbs, right?? I mean, you don't have to care how much protein is in them, do you?? Just keep track of the grams??
OOH good for YOU! Come join us on, all the experts there will be happy to answer your questions, and FYI, if you write to Dr. Connelly, he too will respond w/help. I was SO impressed, I wrote him last Sunday night re: a question on whey proteins and he answered me that same night! You're gonna love it and yes, beans are YELLOW! :)

I'm finishing my last week of Cycle 1 and I used S&H. If you use the weight you need to use to work to failure after 6 reps, I think you're gonna have that famous "BRX Soreness," its a way of life now! LOL

On Cycles 2&3 I'll use PS, MIS and naturally the newest from Cathy too.

*psst, don't tell anyone but I still do Taebo twice a week* LOL Dr. Connelly doesn't say we can't do cardio, but he does say its not necessary.
Hi Mindi!!

Thanks so much for the response!! Do you think it would be OK to keep with Cathe even for cycle 1 if I say, lift maximum weight for 6 reps and then drop down to do the rest?? I am working out with other poeple and don't want to ditch them. Also, I have alot of muscle now, I don't think the "packing it on" phase is really necessary for me, so this leads me to believe I could experience the same results without cutting out Cathe. What do you think??

I am also not going to do the leg extensions and curls. I want to keep with squats. However, I don't know how to load so much weight that I will be working to failure in 6 reps. I think this is precisely why Cathe makes us do so many?? I could probably do the middle portion of squats in MIS with 50 lbs and then drop to 40. I think this would work the same. As I say, every workout I do I am doing to failure, so I don't think it matters whether you have 6 reps or 50, it is just that Dr. Connelly thinks it saves time for 6.. I might try a few leg extensions..I actually have a home gym, but I don't like how that part of it feels, kinda akward. How much do you load for leg extensions??? I would have NO idea what weight to start at...
Thanks for the info..

I have never heard of this. Where can I learn more? I did a web search but it didn't show up anything you guys are talking about.
Please give me some info :) Susan
I'm no expert on this but I did learn something when I got started. I thought I was pretty strong and decided to jump right to Cycle 3, fat burning. WELL NOTHING happened and I was really upset, then the people on the board explained that you DO NOT SKIP cyles. LOL So I hung my head in shame and went back to the plan.

IMO go ahead and do the Cathe, I am and its working for me. I work out alone tho and at home. A lot of the people on the board are experts w/gym machines and while I know they think we all should be at the gym, I disagree. I do squats too! I love them! I think as Dr. Connelly says, the nutrition is the most important part of this plan. So come to the board and read up. Ask questions and carry your book w/you for awhile, I did. I still do. LOL

Susan here's the website, hope it helps:
Oh ps: Janice come by the website and check on the weight question, its a popular one. Dr. S says that if you can do six reps easily, you need to go up. You have to have the weight to the point where you can barely finish the 6th rep and by set 3, maybe you can only handle 4 before you give out.

I do the same thing on the legs. I'm doing squats w/50lbs on my barbell now and I just do more sets til I'm to the point of not being able to stand up! LOL I'd do lunges but my knees can't take em. We have to modify to work w/our bods just like anything else. :)
Hey Mindi and Naughtoj! I just had to butt in here to let you know that I am a BodyRxer too! And I love it, really love it. I am in week 3 of cycle one, and to be honest I have not been methodically tracking anything, but trying to keep track of protein and carbs in my head, and I tell you, there is a whole new body appearing here. I have been using Cathe PS(I don't have Slow and Heavy yet....big sigh). I do not know what is doing it, I did raise my weights, but nothing too extraordinary, but I am sooo excited with the results. The amount of food is amazing and I tell you I have not blown up like a balloon, like I swore I would and best of cardio in three whole weeks! I am, for the most part a cardio hater...I'd much rather lift a barbell. But I kinda miss the Imax challenge, so I might sneak one in this week. Good luck with the new plan're gonna love it! Donna.
Hi Mariela!!

Dr. Connelly says for some reason ? , that squats develop women in ways that can be unnattractive. I am assuming this means they may make women too "bulky". Hogwash to me. I don't really see the difference between a leg press and a squat, do you?? One your sitting and one you are standing!!

Mindi..thanks for all the info. I scoped out your site..looks really neat!! I have actually decided to dump my TTR for S&H while experimenting with this diet and Cycle 1. Seemed to make more sense. Possibly will switch to TTR next cycle. Don't really want to give up cardio at this point, but if the weights really work for me, I am game..except for the weekends, that is my "fun" cardio time!!:)

Donna..thanks for the welcome. Maybe we will chat on Mindi's Body Rx site. Do you visit there?? I was checkin' it out over there and saw a post from someone named "Deb" who can leg press 700lbs!!! Her results were really amazing!!

So tommorrow is Day One. Made WAY TOO MUCH chicken and pork loin today. Started me thinkin' about how in the world I was going to eat so much, but I have Myoplex and TONS of cottage cheese, so I should be OK. I know I will be eating when I am not truly hungry. I am scared, because I do have a desk job. IMAX tommorrow!!! Thanks everyone!!

Don't be scared of the no cardio! I sit on my rear all day too at work, a paralegal, and even though its not expected to lose weight in cycle 1, I've lost 8lbs in 5 weeks. :) YIPPEE!
Mindi, I'm curious about what you are planning for Cycle 3...I know you said you are using S & H for Cycle 1 and then will use PS and MIS for Cycle 2....whats after that and for Cycle 4 as well?
Hi Naughtoj! I started 2 days ago on the Body RX plan except I went directly to Cycle 2 "Getting Sculpted." I'm 5'2" and weigh 110 lbs. I'm already very strong and I do a lot more strength training and only do 2x a week of cardio. I've already become leaner but I'll have to stick w/this for 6 wks. to see what real results I get. I agree w/you too that its sooo easy to do. I too will stick w/Cathe's workouts because their definitely not boring and she motivates me so much to keep challenging myself. I'm already muscular and have definition but I'm curious to see just how cut I'm going to get or if genetically this is as far as I can get. He does discuss a little bit about supplements in one section. What did you think of this? I'm not going to try any of them because I want to see what I'll look like w/just diet & exercise alone. I'll post after the 6 wks. w/my progress and you should too. Stay motivated, Kathy
Cbelle I'm going to stick w/PS and MIS for Cycle 3 and hopefully Intensity No. 3 as well. (hope I have it by then!) I imagine that when I complete 3, instead of going to 4, I'm going back to 1 and do it all again. I have weight to lose and I don't think I'll accomplish all the fat loss I need in one circuit. So back I'll go to S&H w/1 again!
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Mindi what are your stats: weight, height, etc. Also how much dweight do you want to loose.
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Thanks for the pep talk Kathy!!

I survived my first day!! Several times I felt like I was going to puke, having to take in both protein and calories when I felt I was not truly hungry. Started wondering if I could do it, with all the protein and all. Yep, I was right, after you eat the required protein and carbs, there just ain't much room for many yellow carbs!!

I take the same position as you on supplements. I don't really want to take them if I do not have too. I want to do it all on my own, and save my money!! I have thought about creatine and CLA but I might do CLA eventually. I am more into supplementing for health benefits rather than for aesthetics, you know??

I am glad there are so many of you guys here to help with this, very encourging. I am trying to work some S&H into my rotation. My question is: If cycle 1 is "getting stronger" why do you have to keep your calories at the highest level at this stage. Is this the mass building stage?? I ask because on previous posts of Maribeth's, she has described in detail that lifting for strength does not produce maximum muscular hypertrophy. Seems like the calories would be needed in Cycle 2?? Any ideas??
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Hi Naughtoj! I think Dr. C's concept is to gradually introduce you to eating more protein and fiber in your diet because we've never done this before. I discovered that I wasn't taking in nearly as much protein and fiber as I should have. This was very enlightening. Creatine was discussed in his book and I was on it quite some time ago. Unless your weight lifting VERY heavy you won't see any changes in your physique because it puts water into your muscles so your going to look big but NOT cut. I was also very bloated in my stomach so I discontinued its use.

After reading further in the book, I went back to Cycle 1 and now I'm on to Day 4. He says to stick with the Cycles otherwise you won't see any results. Already leaner than I was before.

I know what you mean by trying to eat all this protein. Don't know how I'm going to do it by Cycle 3 but we'll see. Yesterday I was sooo full I couldn't eat my cottage cheese so had to use 2 scoops of my protein powder for my shake last night so I would get my recommended dosage of protein for the day!

Keep up the good work and I'll be posting w/my results. Kathy
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Kathy's right on how Dr. C starts us off on Cycle 1 w/the eating plan. Its to ease us into a cleaning pattern, primarily designed for those folks who probably haven't paid much attention to diet or have been eating too little calories w/no success.

Forgive me for not putting my stats here, I'm not comfortable with posting such personal info on a public message board, but my goal is to lose weight, get strong and healthy. :)
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Hi Mindi! That's fine Mindi if you don't want to post your stats. I'm following his meal plans that he gave as an example in the book. I did, however, calculate it out and it does come out to 110 grams of protein for me and 30 grams of fiber; right on the money. I'll map out my own meal plans for the following week. I haven't read yet the Chapter on exercise but I just can't see to completely giving up cardio all together. Its just not gonna happen; especially w/Cathe's new tapes coming out plus Janis Saffell's tapes are coming out in Jan. 2003. She's another favorite of mine. Keep up the good work and let's keep in touch, Kathy
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi is ok for not posting stats.
I got the book yesterday and read it. I just don't know if I should do this. It seems like a lot of food. also he says that in the first cycle people are not supposed to loose weight. auchhh...that what i need right now, so I can fit into my clothes. They are getting very thinght.
But I will think about it.

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