Body Rx?



I've seen it referred to on this forum and I did go to the website but it doesn't really tell you too many details (I guess they want you to buy it to find out!). Anyway, I was just wondering is it a diet and workout regimen? Does it include his Met-Rx pills too? Also I am curious - I do cardio 4-5x per week - does he really advocate cardio only 3 times/week? What about weights? I don't see how doing the minimum cardio of only 3x per week can help you lose weight, especially if you have less than 10 pounds to lose. For me anyway, 3x/week would be my maintenance and to lose I'd need to do more.

BTW, I'm not looking to scam info off of anyone who has bought the product but I am just a little curious as to what this program generally includes.

Candice :)
I have the book and have read it and will try to tell you what I can about it.

It's a good book in my estimation first off. To be the founder of Met-rex Dr. does not push his products or lots of supplements in the book either. It's well written and I do have to admit he does advise only 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week or none at all. His belief is weight training can do everything and more for you that cardio ever could. The book advises very heavy lifting and a high protein diet but not low low carb. The weight lifting program and diet is clearly laid out in a six pack prescription that rotates every six weeks. :)

The only part I question for myself is the limited cardio. For one thing I like cardio :-wow a lot and wouldn't want to give it up or cut down that far. I did try it for a time but it was not for me in a mental/psychological sense more than anything. I thrive on the endorphins. That feeling like a million bucks for 24 hours at a time after a good intense cardio session is something I couldn't sacrifice and stay sane.

I like Body RX a whole lot better than Body for Life which I finally gave away to a friend and her boyfriend at work I disliked it so much. :-(

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-02 AT 10:10PM (Est)[/font][p]I'd have to add that I love the simplicity of the book. I dont have much to add regarding the exercise part of the book only that I usually do cardio 3 times a week, about 45 min per session, sometimes I do 4 days of cardio per week. I saw no setbacks in my results either way. I too am someone who needs the endorphins cardio provides. As far as the "diet" part of the book... It basically recommends adding protein over decreasing carbs. It also breaks down foods into Red (stop), Yellow (caution)and Green (go)foods. The foods are broken down into lists that I use all the time as a reference. Overall I have seen great results following the advice in this book. The basic premise of the book is how to achieve fat loss. He talks about improving your lean muscle to fat ratio vs just trying to "lose weight" and become a "skinny fat" person. I've read The Zone, Atkins, Protein Power, Sugar Busters, Body for Life etc and found this one to be the most well written and practical.

Forgot to add, that no, the book is sold separately from any pills or liquid supplements and he really doesnt endorse them as much as I would have suspected. I do, however, use his Met-Rx protein powder, and I actually like the way it tastes! So many of them out there are nasty!! If I'm not mistaken I think there's a discussion about the Met-Rx products at the end of Cathe's wedding tape.


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