Body For LIfe


Hi Everyone,
I am back from my vacation and although I enjoyed myself it seems as if I was gone a long time.I'm gonna have to hit the weights after I finish cleaning up a bit.
While on vavcation,(the last couple of days) my DH decides that he doesn't eat very well so as of yesterday he started eating better.While we were on our journey home I went into a GNC store and bought the Body For Life book.I was wondering if anyone else here as done the body for life program or if you read the book.
My DH is slim.He doesn't need to lose weight but I THINK he may want to start working out even though he as attempted a few times and gave up quit easily.
For those of you that don't know what the book is is pretty much about sensible eating up to Sunday where you can eat WHATEVER you want.His purpose in this is to keep your body from thinking that you are starving it.The rest of the week you eat 6 meals.The work out seems pretty good as well.You work body parts 3 times a week and only do cardio 3 times a week for 20 min.The only bad thing about that is I don't know where I would be able to use my Cathe tapes in all of this.
Anyway, if anyone as any input on this that would be great.I am about half way through the book.
Hi Lori!

I've tried Body For Life and found it very helpful for me. I enjoyed having the 3 meals/3 mini meals per day. Although I think I only ate 2 mini meals. But I did see improvements using the exercise plan. I noticed muscle growth and definiton in my legs and my abs were trimming down very nicely. Then I started reading posts on good rotations and videos to try and stopped using the BFL and went back to videos.

I think that Cathe's Slow & Heavy set most resembles the BFL workout plan. Bill's lifting counts are slightly different but I think the videos would work. As far as cardio is concerned just try it with the different tapes but I would have to say that Interval Max would be your best bet but that's a lot of stress on the knees to be doing 3 times per week. I think that if you're just starting out any cardio would be helpful. If you have different cardio equipment at home already you could just set up some sort of aerobic circuit training on your own. I think that as long as you're doing cardio that is fun for you, you can't go wrong.

Forgot to mention that I have the book also and the videos he put out - all are very motivating. Even if you choose not to follow his plan the motivation alone will set you in motion to do 'something' -- and that's really what it's all about! :)

Some people find the meal plan listed in the book to be very boring. Yes, I agree the list is short but I added to it. For instance he only has a few varieties of vegetables on the chart but I love veggies! So I added zuchinni, squash, brussel sprouts, spinach, bell peppers, celery and tomoatoes. He only lists a few proteins but I expanded on that by adding a variety of fish/seafoods. It's just a matter of making wise food choices that fit within the realm he suggests. I chose lean proteins, my veggies were always steamed (no butter ever, not that I like my veggies butttered any way!) and I used various seasonings to create wonderful flavorings.

Now the one change I did make was with pasta! I know he has it on the chart but that is my one true weakness! I have been known to eat pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner all in the same day. So I cut out the pasta during the week and saved it for my cheat day. Saturdays were my cheat days and at first I couldn't wait until it came around so that I could have my pasta. (Told you I was weak!) During the week I would daydream about the dishes I would have for lunch and dinner. :) I kept control at breakfast! :) But after a few weeks I noticed that the pasta cravings dwindle and so much so that on my cheat day I was almost eating like I was the other 6 days of the week.

I think I'm going to re-read my copy of Body For Life again! I don't buy all the supplements but I have used his EAS AdvantEdge ready to drink shakes. They were perfect for me for those mini meals during the day. It kept me from being hungry without causing me to feel too full and throw me off track with the next meal. I love to eat but eating 6 times per day is just too much chewing for me. ;)

Okay! Hope I didn't go on too long and tell you more than you wanted to know. But if want to ask me any at all I will answer as completely as I can. I did BFL last year but I still have my journal and some notes! I do recall that I did not go the full 12 weeks. I think I stopped at 6 because of the temptations from glowing reviews of new videos.

Hope this helps!
I took this "Challenge" early this year and lost 12" in 12 weeks. I found it very helpful in getting into better eating habits. I usually only ate 4-5 small meals though. The exercise routines do work but you have to make them intense over a shorter period of time.You really have to push yourself to the max. I do recommend the program to anyone wanting to better themselves but it does take some discipline. I did use one supplement while on this - Betalean it's called. I no longer am using it however. I still follow most of the program as far as nutrition goes.God Luck! Susan
Hey Lori,

The eating plan in Body for life is where the program really works, IMO. personally, i need to seriously sweat more than 3 times a week to feel trim, so I didn't follow the cardio. So why don't you just continue to use your cathe tapes. They are intense, and I think the point Bill is making is that your cardio needs to be intense.
I did the weight sequence (and still did Cathe cardio) last spring and liked the results I saw; I just got bored with it and decided to start doing something different. but it's a great program!
I agree, I too got a bit bored and went back to my Cathe tapes for cardio especially.I did 5 days cardio instead of the 3 he recommends! Susan
Really good book. After 12 years of doing nothing and turning into mush (and 5 babies to boot) a good friend gave me Body for Life and my journey back to good health began. I think the greatest advantage to his methods is the time aspect. 20 minute interval type aerobics on T, Th, and S and 42 minute weight workouts M W and F. That's very doable for anyone. I knew I could do this, BUT, I got a little bored and started dabbling in substituting FIRM aerobic tapes on the cardio days and then I substituted Francesca Gerns Weights III on weight days because she had a good stretch (I found myself rushing through a warm up and stretch when I just did Bill's method). Then I kept hearing these rave reviews about this CATHE person and the rest is history. I just can't go back to an ordinary workout and while doing CATHe tapes it feels like I'm working out with buddies - so very helpful.

My husband is hesitant about working out to a "woman's" tape so for him Body for Life is perfect. (Little does he know Cathe could put him through the wringer!!!)

You need to do what works for you. I find doing Cathe's cardio and weight tapes to be much more fun (and incredibly addictive).

QUICK NOTE: If you find there is a day the you don't feel like working out, read page 128 of Bill's book. This was a real motivator for me. In addition, I've put his quote on our weight room wall "Having the ABILITY to exercise and not doing it, is like having 20/20 vision and never opening your eyes."

I can't say much about the diet section, I'm a strict vegan and I do not eat sugar so I can't eat his EAS stuff. I know of other's that say it's great and find it easy to stick to. Hope that helps a little.

I loosely followed this program for a bit - here are a couple of comments:
I was skeptical about the cardio at first, but found it to be suprisingly intense. I still follow his guidelines while running on the treadmill (when pressed for time) as a supplement to my spinning and kickboxing. I agree that S&H would most closely mirror BFL weight workouts.
I also agree that the food list is a bit limited, but if you look on the website there are approved recipes with ratings and some of them are pretty good. And the prospect of a cheat day is something to look forward to!
Good luck.

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