Body Fat Q


I saw somewhere on here that a decrease in body fat helps ab defition! I WANT AB DEFINITION!! How do you decrease your body fat?? Any suggestions??x(
You decrease your body fat, with cardio, strength training and a clean diet. There are several rotations on the Rotation forum that address this very issue. Good luck with reaching your goals!!

You HAVE to eat clean! That is the number 1 rule of body fat reduction. Charlotte (toastythemosty) has a quote in her signature that summarizes it very well. It's something along the lines of "You can exercise til the cows come home, but unless you eat clean, you'll just be a cow coming home." LOL! Silly, but so very true. :)
Yes very very clean eating with a slight reduction of calories + cardio about 5-6 times a week, with strength training and flexibility will really blast that body fat.

As it takes 500 calories per day deficit to lose 1 pound of fat per week, it takes a 1000 calorie per day deficit to lose 2 lbs of body fat per week. So it does take a little bit, and some hard work, but it is so well worth it.

You HAVE Ab definition. I'm looking at your pictures and you look great. Wow, you look like you already have a low percentage of body fat. You can really tell you are very disciplined with eating and exercise. I'm in awe.:)


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