Body Fat Percentage??


Do you know your body fat percentage? I recently purchased a Tanita bath scale and it says I'm around 27%. This is a lot higher than I'd like it to be.

My weight is within normal range. I'm around 135 lbs but according to the scale, that's 36.5 lbs of fat!

I never really had a weight problem but after I turned 25, I noticed changes in my body. I'm started to accumulate fat around my waist and back. That's the main reason why I ordered the new Intensity Series.

I really don't care if my actual weight decreases but I want that fat percentage number to go down. What do you think is a good body fat percentage for females? more specifically, athletic type bodies? what's the average body fat % for fitness competitors?
Do you know your body fat
percentage? I recently purchased
a Tanita bath scale and
it says I'm around 27%.
This is a lot
higher than I'd like it
to be.

I thought somewhere between 20-30% was a good number for females. I weigh in at 24% I think. Hmmm, is that bad???

Yours in blubber,

My sister had one of those scales, and it measured quite a bit higher (like 5%) than her measurement by a personal trainer with calipers. I don't think you can take those measurements literally. You can work towards getting the number down, but it does not necessarily mean that that particular number is accurate. The most accurate form of body fat measurement is underwater (pricey), and even the body fat calipers are prone to error.

Just wanted you to know that your actual body fat measurement may not be actually that high.

I ALWAYS measure higher than 28% on my BF scale, but got water tested at 25...

The scale calculates higher I believe, but it is good to measure changes in BF, but only marginally. Dehydration and other things can affect it as well. I say go by how you look and feel. That really is the best indicator...


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