Body Changes while working out


Hi, I have a question about the way your body changes as you workout. I have been doing the Firm for years and looked pretty much the same the entire time. I started doing Cathe about three months ago or so. I have noticed dramatic changes. My question. I'm getting ready for vacation next week and decided to try on my bathing suit to see if I needed to buy a new one. I'm only 5', so I always wear a two piece as the one piece suits just don't fit right. The problem is since I've been working out, I know I have more ab muscles than ever, but I look worse. I kind of look more flabby through the middle section. Is this because I'm firming up underneath and still have fat on the top? If so, will this go away. Just for reference I'm 38 years old,have had two kids, and I'm probably 8-10 pounds overweight. I also have plenty of stretch marks around the belly button area. Is it a combination of getting older and building muscle underneath. I have actually thought of getting a tummy tuck, but I hate the thought of surgery. Does anyone else have or had this problem? If so, did the fat eventually melt away? Sorry so long, but I need help.
Hey Kelley,
Don't feel bad, I have the same problem. I am 31 yrs, 5'7, about 145. I have had 2 children as well, my youngest is almost 6yrs and I have been working out for many years. About 2 with Cathe tapes. I also have this top layer of flab, and a lot of stretch marks around the belly button. I also can't seem to get that top layer firm. I think with time and a few more added days of Cathes ab workouts we'll get there. I wish I could wear a two piece suit, I just don't feel comfortable with my mid-section yet, so I cover it up with a one piece. Good luck, keep in touch. Amy Jo ;-) :)
sorry, this post hit a button and here i go!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 04:35PM (Est)[/font][p]never mind!
RE: sorry, this post hit a button and here i go!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 04:32PM (Est)[/font][p]Wow. I just had to respond back to this. I definitely do not want to lose weight for love. My husband thinks I look great. This is all on a personal basis for myself only. And as for needing some fat on my body. lol, Believe me, even if I get rid of that fat layer over my abs, I still have plenty over the legs that does not bother me near as bad. I was only wondering why I look worse when I know I'm in better shape. I can see signs of ab muscles, especially the obliques, but I look worse. I looked better before I could see them. This makes me think I'm in a transition phase. As far as hiding my body, I only hide the ab section. I'm sorry, but there is no way I would show my abs in public with stretch marks and jiggly skin hanging. (Sorry to sound gross). I hope this clears things up a bit.
RE: sorry it wasnt personal .

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-01 AT 00:04AM (Est)[/font][p]

sorry Kelly.....

that wasnt aimed at you!!

and it wasnt really on your topic...

it was just a view from my corner of life...inspired by memories of different people (including myself) struggling over little or no fat..
I see kids being anorexic and bulemic....
did you know Jane Fonda said she used to throw up 26 times a day before getting into fitness...(she wrote that somewhere)

People live tortured lives over fat (sometimes only imagined- ask an anorexic how fat they are) we suffer

i havent eaten a desert in years! and that fat still clings to the excess skin on my tummy too...

i recall reading an article in a womans magazine on how to hide your flaws in bed...

I will never forget the lesson i got from that article....
not to be proud to be to trick a man into seeing what he wanted... how to hate things about myself because of fear of rejection.

i have had moments knowing one cant really accept love while they are hiding their truths ... .... the hiding comes from makes a barrier to intimacy.

and when one knows joy... one is free , they are not critical ...the minute we say something is wrong with ourselves the joy dissolves.

i didnt mean to address my note you or anyone . I just impulsively expressed what came to mind..rebelling.


ps... i would have sent this to your aol. email but aol didnt recognize your address..
RE: sorry it wasnt personal .

Hi Cinza,
I read your original post and thought it was very good - wish you hadn't edited it.
What I got from it was that women need to keep their perspective and enjoy life without obsessing over whatever weight that we feel we have to lose in order to be "ok".
I believe that is a really important message. Sometimes we can lose sight of what is really important in life.
thank you Erica

i appreciate your words.
maybe i will refine my thoughts and post them again when i can take a better aim at what i want to share.
RE: sorry, this post hit a button and here i go!!

Hi Kellie!! As shorty to another (I'm 5'1"), I want to share with you something I read. I read that sometimes the obliques get worked too much thinking that that is what gives us a trimmer waistline, and what happens is the opposite. We end up looking thicker in the middle instead. This shows even more on women of our stature. Just a little food for thought. Maybe if you cut down on the oblique work, it would help. Just a suggestion......


P.S. I've had 3 kids, and I also find one pieces hard to fit me. Torsos are always too long and my butt ends up looking saggy. I stick with 2 pieces as much as possible also:)!
I am five feet tall too so your post caught my attention. I started working out to all of The Firm tapes about ten years ago. My goal was not only to lose some weight but to get toned. I lost the 10 pounds I needed to lose but my abdomen never looked right either. I had one child and my lower abs looked horrible. After exercising for three years I had rock hard abs with a layer of marshmallow on top. I realized no amount of ab work would correct this problem to my satisfaction.

I decided to get a tummy tuck. I had given this much thought because I was not crazy about the idea of having elective surgery. But I dedicated myself for three years to correcting the problem myself without surgery and it was clear that if I wanted to look better that was the way to go.

It has been about six years since I had the surgery. The best thing I ever did. I now have rock hard abs with no marshmallow. You can bounce quarters off my stomach. I still work out, still do lots and lots of ab work but at least I can see the results.

By the way, I am fifty two years old and wear bikinis from Victoria's Secret.

My advice is to work on your abs as much as you can. After at least a year of serious effort if you are still not happy with how they look consider surgery.


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-01 AT 03:14PM (Est)[/font][p]how is your scarring?

how long did healing take?

do you have stretch marks?

how much did it cost?
i have skin that just hangs off...and have thought about it.
Boy do I love this forum. I too am 5 feet. ( Although my husband says that I lie and am really 4'11''). Anyway, I wrote Trish Muse this question...she told me that I need to lose weight. ARG!! Would love a tummy tuck but don't have the interested in the details though. ( In case I get the nerve up.)
You guys are great!!!!!!!!
I am 37 with 3 kids and a stomach totally ripped apart from carrying kids. I'm 4'11 and carried every pound of pregnancy weight in my stomach. My husband has already promised me a tummy tuck when I lose the weight I want to lose. I've had to have a hernia repair for some of the damage, but the stretch marks and skin will never be the same.

My biggest question is the recovery time for this surgery. I still don't have feeling in my stomach from the hernia repair, and I'm afraid that an operation on my stomach will keep me from exercising for too long. How was your recovery time in relation to the surgery and resuming your exercise routine?


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