Body By Jake Hip & Thigh Machine?


Hey guys -- another opinion needed. I have an opportunity to buy a Body By Jake Hip & Thigh machine for what I think is a great price -- $55. This machine is no longer being made and y'all may remember it from a few years back -- it's basically Jake's cheaper home version of an inner/outer thigh resistance machine like you'd see in a gym (you know, where you do what my younger son, when he saw this machine in the school's weight room, called "flapping your legs open and closed." :))

I have the Jake Bun & Thigh rocker and have really enjoyed it. This machine works with similar resistance bands.

Do any of you own this? What do you think of it? Would it be a good supplement to Cathe for inner/outer thigh, or would I really be wasting my money when I should be doing more adductor/abductor lifts? ;-) Kathy S.
Hi Kath,

Quick story on this, I had this sucker when it first came out. I kept it in my back room where I would get ready and do my hair before work! I would use it not as a full workout but I would do 3 up to 5 sets on it when I wanted that added kick in the legs! It's not intense but you do get that burn from the resistance!I liked it more for my multi tasking while getting ready ;-) Now my sis wanted to BORROW it, I said no problem. I LENT it to her and dropped it off. Well 3 months go by no word on how she likes the machine or anything, she always changed the subject! Which was no big deal cause she doesn't like to talk fitness "only when she wants to get in shape for something "hahahaha" so I went over to pick it up and my nephew says oh that pink thing she sold it at the flea market for $5 bucks x( I now know when I LEND something to my sis in law it's something that I don't want anymore--to lend is to give:p
Anyhoo I was on a mission to find this sucker just because I liked my routine with it, had to have it! So I bought it off of ebay costing me $35 with the shipping!It's nothing spectacular but the inner/outter part is effective target training! The leg press on it is wimpy- it could have been made better! All in all it is a neat piece of equipment, especially if it will motivate you! You can find these on ebay and flea markets! Look around for the best price!You may get lucky and find it for $5 bucks !
If you are looking for added thigh work you may want to look into the door gym hook ups where you can use the bottom cables for resistance! Its a total body pulley system, great for traveling, easy to hook up and it can be bought at any sporting goods store, Tjmaxx, Marshalls, Burlington Coat factory(well I see them there)
Or you may want to look into the hip thigh butt blaster machine! Liz from fitness video fanatics bought one and loves it! I forget where she bought it but it was a great price!
Yikes speaking of Butts I got to scadaddle, I'm teaching a butt N gutt class in a bit ;-)
I also had one of these...I too liked it. I wasn't working out then though, so to me it was a challenge, LOL. Anyway, the only reason I got rid of it was because I live in a small condo and was just running out of room. I wanted to get a piece of equipment that was more well rounded.
Me tooo!

I've ALWAYS wanted one of those Butt Blasters too! Waaaaah! Wouldn't it be PERFECT with the "BLAST" Series?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I've had this for a few years. Love it for the innner/outer thigh option. I use it during the Pure Strength Floor Legs segment, making the Strong Legs/Abs workout not quite so long.

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