Body Bar workouts


Has anyone done any of the Body Bar workouts? I'm looking at the Body Bar Express series and Body Bar Challenge with Keli Roberts. I'm wondering if someone who is used to Cathe's workouts would get anything out of them. Thanks!

Hi Lisa..I have both of these workouts and find them to contain some awkward movements such as having to hold the bar (mine is 18 pounds) in the middle exactly balanced to do the back work. I have done these workouts using free weights in place of the bar for certain exercises. This is just my experience of the tapes and body bar. Perhaps a lighter body bar would work better for some of the exercises in the tapes.

Hope you get more input before making a decision.

Thanks Donna - that is the kind of thing you don't find out until you have already bought the tape and the body bar. I think I will hold off and try to find out more about them.
I have tried many of them.I also find the movements awkward.I use them on light days.They are extremely boring tapes.Energy Action Circuit with Mindy is good & body Bar Boot Camp with Andre is alright.I was so disapointed in the challenge tape with Kelli Roberts (usually an excellent instructor).I was using my 30lb barbell and Kelli goes on about how difficult it is with her 18lb Body Bar.My advice is stay away from them.I have learned to stick with Cathe & Mindy.
Thanks very much for your input. I really didn't think 18 pounds could be challenging when I'm used to Cathe. I'm glad I didn't waste the money.

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