BM2 or Drillmax?


Active Member
I know I will be purchasing B&G(mainly for the innovative ab routines). But I am torn between DM and BM2. I can only puchase 2 at this time. I am looking for intense cardio and upperbody. I have been doing Cathe's workouts for 7 years and don't have a problem with choreography. What intrigues me about BM2 is the premixes. Especially bootcamp and double upperbody. Has anyone tried these? DM seems more like functional fitness, and I am looking for heavy weight training. DM seems to take up a lot of space too. Is this true? I know I will eventually get all of them, I just want the biggest bang for my buck right now. Thanks in advance.

BM2 would be my choice as well (though they are both keepers). I'm definitely getting more use out of it than DM so far (but I have yet to do DM or BM2 'as-is,' but instead have been doing premixes or, with BM2, doing part of the workout one day, and a premix the next.
Good morning Brad,

From what you are describing, go with BM2. I've been working my way through the premixes and I think this will fit your needs.

I do like DM because it doesn't use the step as musch and it is a bit different. Don't get me wrong, I like step but I don't do it everyday. You can pick this one up another time.

Hey, get them both so you can mix things up a bit....but personally I like Drill Max the best. It has no complicated step routines. And it dont take much of a routine to be tough for me!!!!! They are both good workouts!!!

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