

So I go to the local produce market every week. They have these luscious blueberries. I can't resist. I freely sprinkle them on my plain oatmeal in the a.m. Finally I pull them up on the net and find the calorie content etc. Wow! 21 carbs in just 1 cup of raw blueberries. I think that's a lot. Is it? I don't even know for sure. That sure sounds like a lot of carbs in those little berries. But they sure were good.:9
Yeah, but they are GOOD carbs and there is a TON of good stuff in them for you as well!

I live in Southwest Michigan and our area is one of the top growers for blueberries in the country. The season is winding down now, but we always have a huge box of them in the fridge that we munch on. So yummy!

They ARE great in Oatmeal.. I like to put them just before the oatmeal is done cooking and then cook for a bit longer so that the berries "pop" and turn the oatmeal purple. Then I sprinkle about a 1/2 oz of chopped almonds into it. Its so good, I feel guilty eating it!! ( haha)

Enjoy the berries.. come winter you will be wishing they were around again!!

Take care, Lynn M.
Despite the sugars in them, blueberries are one of the best foods you can eat. So eat up! I eat them all the time.
I have to agree with Lynn. Blueberries are so good for you so if you like them eat and enjoy.
Funny I just bought a bunch of blueberries at the grocery store. Been putting them on everything. Yummy!
blueberries are supper healthy and the carbs they have are complex. They're high in antioxidents which would be good for your heart. You should definatley have them, maybe not every single day, but have them very often. They make you go to the bathroom.}( They do that to me:+


Blueberries, and berries in general, are low glycemic, so even 'low carbers' find them acceptable.

There was a recent thread here about what to do with blueberries that you might find interesting.
Lots of good responses. I stopped by the produce market and picked up some more. I have them every day in my oatmeal for breakfast. I will buy them from now on and also look up that thread you mentioned Kathryn. Thanks

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