blood pressure / circulation

L Sass

Can someone explain this? I know working out / regular exercise is supposed to aid in reducing / stabalizing blood pressure and improving circulation. Works for me - my regular BP is 90/50. But I am SO FRIGGIN' COLD all the time it's ridiculous! It's my hands, fingers, and toes. Seems like the lower BP is almost not strong enough to pump that circulating blood to those extremities. Am I a freeze baby BECAUSE I work out? I know it's a silly question, but BRRRRRRR!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Hi Lorrie,

This could be from a number of things, one being low levels of thyroid hormone, this is called hypothyroid. A symtom of hypothyroidism is being cold. If being cold is not normal for you, I would have blood work down, this is JMHO. Someone else may know about other reasons for being cold. The reason why I go to the thyroid first is I had all of mine removed due to cancer, so I have blood work done twice a year now. HTH :)
I can only reply from my experience. I went from having normal to high blood pressure (generally 120-130/80-85) to having lower blood pressure (90/65), and I have definitely noticed that I get colder much more than usual and my extremities are very cold. I'm on heart medicine for cardiomyopathy, but I think it's the BP.
Something else that could be causing it is something called "Reynaud's Syndrome". It's where your body can't tolerate cool or cold weather and reduce the circulation to your extremities, usually fingers/toes.
Hey Amy - does that mean I could deduct a relocation to a much warmer climate from my taxes to treat a medical condition???!!! :) Now THAT sounds promising!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I'm currently going through the exact same thing. My cold tolerance is almost nil and, since the vast majority of my work is done outside in all weather conditions, it's making my job absolutely miserable now. I wear so many layers that I look like the "Stay-Puffed Marshmallow Man" x(...and it's only in the 40's! I thought it was just because I'm without the generous layer of insulating fat that I used to carry ;-) . I do have lowish blood pressure...used to be 100/60. I have no idea what it is now. I haven't been to a doctor in the last four or so years other than a kidney stone (yeah, I know...but when you don't have insurance... :( ) When I finally get insurance (I hope next year sometime) I'll investigate the thyroid possibility. My grandmother has hypothyroidism...hmm, maybe that's why I can't get those last few pounds off :+. Thanks for posting this question.

I've had this problem most of my life and it's not my thyroid (not that you still shouldn't get yours checked! I'm just saying that it's 'normal' for me) I've always had low BP and I HATE the cold. My hands and feet are almost always cold. I have to be careful about standing up too fast, too, because of light-headedness, and going in and out of big temperature changes (i.e. from an air conditioned mall to 90 degree weather, or getting out of a hot shower into a cold bathroom) also can cause dizziness. I blame it on the blood pressure - when I'm cold, there's just not a lot of 'flow' I guess... I've been to the dr. over the years and no one's ever said it was a problem - just be careful standing up, they say : ) (reminds me of that joke: "Dr. it hurts when I move my arm like this... : ) ) Trying to stay warm is just extra motivation for working out in the Winter :D

Get it checked out to make sure, but I just wanted to let you know it could be something normal, so maybe you won't have as much worry in the meantime.

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