Hi SNM quick question- when I play my videos from my iPad mini I have a little lag time (like only
A couple seconds) between chapters which really doesn't bother me at all, but on my computer
They seem to switch faster...so if I were to get a laptop and hook up via hdmi cable to tv, would
The chapters change faster? I thought I read somewhere that since iPad was using their player
That might happen....I know my slow Internet speed is probably some of it but all in all they
Play very good, just wondering about the chapters changing, I love this thing so much I am
Thinking about a laptop......Love it...thanks for any insight.....
A couple seconds) between chapters which really doesn't bother me at all, but on my computer
They seem to switch faster...so if I were to get a laptop and hook up via hdmi cable to tv, would
The chapters change faster? I thought I read somewhere that since iPad was using their player
That might happen....I know my slow Internet speed is probably some of it but all in all they
Play very good, just wondering about the chapters changing, I love this thing so much I am
Thinking about a laptop......Love it...thanks for any insight.....