Blasts - Leg work?


Active Member
Hi Cathe,
Are the blasts considered "leg work"; such that I would want a recovery day before doing lower body weight work?
For instance, in LowMax, if I did the premix of intervals 1-4 on Monday, would I want to wait until Wednesday to do lower body work such as B&G with maybe doing cardio or upper body on Tuesday?
Does it depend on the different workouts if the blasts are/are not leg work?
Hi Bethellen! This will depend on each individual's fitness level. If you are very conditioned, then your legs will most likely feel challenged and fatigued but not like they have been through a true leg workout.

If after doing a "blast type" workout you are struggling through a lower body workout and feeling like you have lead legs, then yes, put a day of non-leg work in the next day.

Keep strong!

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