birthday gift suggestion please


My daughter Sarah has to go to a birthday party. The little girl is turning 11. I have no idea what she likes or what to buy her. Any suggestions? Thanks
I am a big fan of gift certificates to book stores. Or if your daughter has a favorite series of books to recommend you can get them. For that age group I really Like the Little House Series. The Babysitter club books are fine too. Another good choice are books by Judy Blume.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
I have two girls... one is turning 12 in a week. Does your DD know this girl at all to recommend something? Do you know if she does sports? If you really don't have any idea what this girl likes, I'd go with an arts/crafts type gift... Klutz makes some really fun-looking ones.
I agree with the gift card suggestion. I always like a Target or Walmart gift card, this way the child has the option of using it for anything she wishes.

Arts/crafts are great too. Or if she is a girly girl hair ties, barettes and some inexpensive jewerly earrings braclets, lipglosses and such. Stores such as Claires usually have inexpensive fun items.


Definaltey definaltey DEFIALTEY go with gift cards! Shes getting to the age where she doesn't always want soemone older to buy her stuff anymore, she wants to do it herself w/ a gift card. Trust me been there done that. Plus gift cards are fun:D

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

You can't go wrong with a gift card but if you want to wrap something up to give along with it how about an inexpensive necklace, ring or bracelet? My DD11 loves jewelry as many girls her age do. . . We gave a girl one of those watch rings for her birthday last year and she loved it.

Definately a gift card. It's been two years since my daughter was that age, but I distinctly remember, Bratz dolls, and anything shiny, and glittery being a big hit.

Also, a gift certificate to the nearest salon, to get her nails airbrushed is always a big hit. No artificial nails, just the paint...It doesn't cost much, and it makes them feel very special...It's unique and fun...

I highly recommend a gift card, particulary a book store gift card as Judy recommended. A book is a gift that keeps on giving and in my opinnion money is never wasted on books.

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