Biggest Loser


Active Member
Jeez, what a sob-fest! If it's not one of them crying then it's the whole lot of them. They're just like home-sick children at summer camp. Grow up! I don't know if I can watch anymore, I just want to smack them. The only part that's enjoyable anymore is when they show the ones that got voted out and how they're doing now. I'm pretty sure they'll all continue to stay fit, because the show makes it possible for them to "make the connection" but I hope, in the end, that some of them will regret all the cry-baby boo-hoo-ing they did in front of millions of people, and caused us to stop watching! Venting, sorry, deep breaths...
Actually, Sappy Suzy held it together more then usual for a change, but when I first started to hear her start up with a bit of crying, I put my fingers in my ears.

I actually liked this episode better and thought that Mark looks fantastic now...WOW!!!

I want Jillian's tank top...the one with the skull. What a cool looking top! I WANT IT!!!!

omg they cried more at the dang elimenation thing then they did when they saw their families. i knew somebody was throwing something when i saw how matt broke down LOL. i swear kleenex should sponser this show.

"the biggest lose brought to you by kleenex tissue b/c this ppl can't shut the hell up already"

i mean in a way i can understand that you spend alot of time with these ppl and grow attached but man oh man i would be rather happy to go home b/c by now i would shoot everybody in that house b/c i can't do 24/7 with anybody not even hubby. need my space.

i do focus more on the weight=in's and eliminations. but way to go to doctor jeff. how awesome was he working and he beat the teams. i may not care for jillian personality(jmo) but as a trainer you see the results of her pushing these guys. but hubby says somebody should be helping suzy train that big ole' but to get smaller. he swear the only weight she lost was from the gut up.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Yeppers, lots of crying going on last night. I can't believe how great Mark looks now - what an accomplishment for him.

What's up with Doc losing 10lbs again this week?

Hey Charolotte, bet you can find a top similar to Jillian's at Hot Topic.
Yeah, there was one at hot topic I wanted.."Chicks Kick A$$", but I wish the A$$ was Butt instead as I have my own children to think of. Trying to set examples for them, ya know?

I thought last nights show was pretty good.I don't look at the crying as being overly bad b/c I am sure they are homesick and its probably not that easy leaving there.I would probably be the biggest crier if I were there...not the biggest loser;( But then again, I started to cry when they saw their families.And when I see men cry...that always makes me cry.
I was so sleepy last night that I barely made it through the show! I felt like someone had bricks tied to my eye lashes!
All the crying was bugging me too. I thought it was a riot that Andrea was crying about missing her family and Shannon was just sitting there stone-faced not saying anything comforting. Either Shannon is a jerk or Andrea is always bawling and driving her nuts. At least they get to keep in touch with their families while they are on the show - it's not like Survivor where they are completely cut off.

I think Matt is going to have the hardest time when the show is over (I hope I'm wrong). He just seems so negative about everything. He had a sour face on the whole episode.

Suzy looked so pretty in the photo shoot! I want her or Dr. Jeff to win.
>I think Matt is going to have the hardest time when the show
>is over (I hope I'm wrong). He just seems so negative about
>everything. He had a sour face on the whole episode.
you know i have to agree. he seems to be all about the "game" and being competitive then what about losing weight and getting in shape is all about. when he is done competeing against these folks he will only have himself to face when he gets home. maybe the will change or it could be an act for the show. who knows, but he is macho so hubby is rooting for him. after all this time i would have to go with jeff.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I agree that there was too much crying going on last night. But the best thing of all is the guys kept their shirts on for the weight-in. :D I thought Mark looked great at the end.

I didn't watch last night, but don't you think that they may be more emotional and weepy because of all the stress they are going through: the workouts, the dieting, the "under observasion 24/7"?
Kathryn, you are probably right. And I also think that the director/producers probably love all the crying. Makes good TV (in their minds).

And I also think that the
>director/producers probably love all the crying. Makes good
>TV (in their minds).

I'm sure that factors in, too. Once the tears start coming (and who knows what is NOT shown on screen that may "encourage" them to cry?), the camera operator goes right to the weeper.

"Reality" TV is such a crock!
The crying didn't bother me this week because I know that if I didn't see my DH or DD for 2 months I would be a basket case the next time I saw either of them. Plus, I get really emotional when I'm under heavy stress and you know they must be under massive amounts, so I guess I really can't say anything... even about Sappy Suzy.

I thought the episode was great and I am so happy to see the amazing progress these people are making after they leave.

I agree with some of the others about the crying. These people have been away from their families for over 2 months....and they are undergoing huge life changes. I can't imagine for a minute being that overweight and taking charge of my life by facing that amount to lose. I can really understand some of the crying. They also have really grown to like each other and it must be hard to know that one of them has to leave every week. I was about 40 lbs overweight when I started working out and I remember being really blown away that I had let myself get that way in the first place and how hard it was to get it off.

One freaky moment was feeling my hips and thinking that I had a cyst or a tumor - it was my hip bone and the only way I figured it out was that there was one on each side! They had been covered so long that I didn't know what they were!

They all really look amazing. I think that they are keeping tank tops on the guys because they are likely getting a lot of loose skin now. Yukky, but true.


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