bicep curls


I can do barbell curls with dumbbells but I struggle when doing the same exercise with a barbell using the same weight. What is wrong with me? :confused:

Crazy 8s is a great example - I can't get through it with the barbell (I can't keep up and have to slow the count down) but I'm ok with dumbbells.
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I have the same problem. I wonder if I'm able to move my arm to a 'stronger' position with the dumbbells where with the barbell, you have to keep the arms straight.
Me too! It's good to know I'm not the only one. I'm stronger if I can angle out just a bit. Crazy 8's are my hardest move.
I wonder if it could have something to do with where the weight load is distributed--further from your core with a barbell (think of the plates out to the side) or closer in to your core with dumbbells. If this is the case, the same weight phenomenon could exist for other exercises as well, for example supine tricep extensions. I find them more difficult with the barbell.
That's a great theory.

I also have trouble with the Supine Tricep Extensions as well as the Bench Press with barbell used in Pure Strenght.

Gah! I use the same weight as Cathe on most exercises but add the barbell and I have to lower the weight, it's frustrating. :(
I notice the same thing as all of you. Maybe it does have something to do with the weight distribution. The barbell doesn't allow for much movement whereas the dumbells there is alot more mobility.

I'm trying to work it out and at least some reps first with the barbell and if I just don't have the energy then I just switch to the dumbells.

We'll break through this problem though :)
Dumbells permit a more "natural" position of the forearm, especially as you go through the movement. A barbell definitely hits the biceps in a different way - notice the changes in how you feel it if your hands are closer together, shoulder width or wide grip. For crazy-8s, in particular, the weight would naturally be lowered - it's an endurance move for one, and partial reps burn you out in a different manner than a full rep would. If you need to make adjustments - do. Their is great benefit to using both pieces of equipment, so just use what works for you.
I agree- you are hitting the muscles differently, so they would take a while to catch up. And it could be that your form with dumbbells isn't quite spot on and that shows up with a barbell.

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