AS far as I know most of us are using the Pyramid Videos.They are most like the BFL program.I can't workout on my own, I just don't push myself hard enough.When you go back down the pyramid for 10 and 12 reps, some of us do our 10's there and don't follow Cathe.It usually falls right into place.Altough today I did CTX upper body for a change.I thought it might be nice to work my muscles in a different way.
As for Cardio, some are running and some of us are using videos that add in intervals.Then you really push yourself on the intervals so you reach your 10.SOme of the workouts aren't as tough as the run but thats all you can do when there is snow on the ground and don't own your own tredmill.Seems to be working for us regardless.I use Imax2,the gualant(cardio only),And Imax extreme ,1/2 of it.These workouts take a bit longer then the run but I figure you probably burn as much fat doing Imax2 as you do the run.You probably don't work as hard but you work longer.Hope I helped.Are you thinking about doing the program?
You should join us.We check in almost everyday.I like checking in in the morning , while I am waiting to wake up.Today was cardio for me so I did Imax 2.I diffently reached my 10's on a couple of those intervals.If you have any questions about the videos(once you get there) just ask one of us.We would be happy to help you out.Somedays I do the videos just as they are or I do it BFL style.
I tried BFL one time before and I wasn't having success with the weights at all.I am so use to videos that I can't workout very well with out them.I tried but it didn't work.Then I found out that Cathe was comming out with the Pyramid System and I knew that it was going to be the perfect video to go along with BFL.
Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.

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