BFL Sat. 11/17/07


Hello and Good Morning to all you sleepy heads, :)

Here it is Saturday and of course I wake up automatically at 5am.
Have been doin some paperwork and having my wake up coffee.
I didn't get in my workout after all yesterday :( just too busy of a day for me.

First thing I am going to do when I feel awake is to get in that workout!

Plan for today:
BM2 abs, stretch
iTread Set 1 40min. maybe do another 20min's to really get myself good! }(

Last night my DH and I worked on the washer again. This time we found a sock stuck in the pump motor. This explains everything!
Good to go again so I don't have to buy one. Phew! Bad time of the year to be buying large priced ticket items.

The rest of the day is working on the house and just the regular Saturday stuff.

I hope everyone has a great day!
What is your plans for today and your workout?

Hey Gayle! Awesome job on your workouts and BFL diet! You are making fantastic progress! Keep up the good work because it sure is paying off big time. I noticed from your before and after photos that you have defined your abs and your legs are looking really leaned out and shapely. May we all look to you as a guide and learn from your success. :) :) :)


Good AFTERNOON, Heidi!

Thank you, SO MUCH, for your compliments! It's just so funny how I can see the before and NOW pics and SEE the difference, the scale is SHOWING me the difference, and my clothes are DEFINITELY looser. YET, somedays you just feel like a big ol' BLOB! LOL It's almost like I can't believe I'm getting these results and therefore just don't think I AM! lol Does that make ANY sense?

ANYWAY...thanks! I really appreciate it!

I decided to make today a rest day, and move my HIIT to tomorrow. I have a 7K race (something like 4.35 miles) TOMORROW, and I'm going to RACE it....I'd like to TRY to place in my age group, but we'll see. Then Monday is Lower Body....if I had done HIIT today, Race tomorrow, then LB Monday, I'd be killing my legs. is Rest...NOT FREE DAY though. I'm still eating on target. Free Day is STILL tomorrow for me. It will officially begin after my race. HA!

I'll get online sometime tomorrow to report my results! Keep your fingers crossed and send me FAST RUNNING LEG vibes tomorrow!

Hi Gayle,

Go Gayle! Go! :7 Have a great race tomorrow!

Today I am feeling like a blob as you were saying. I guess because I am just over tired from this week of getting up early and staying up late waiting for DD.

I ended up doing my SH bi&tri then abs this morning while waiting for DD to get ready to go to work. I quickly showered up and then drove her to Boston.

After coming back I made a BFL Pot Roast dinner. MMMMM the meat is very tender. I will have this in awhile. First I want to get in my cardio session. Have down loaded the iTread Set 1 40 and 20 min on to my mp3 player. Yeah....I got it to work...Yaaaaa! It just doesn't hold very much though.

I'll be here tomorrow! Look forward to hearing about how your race went. :D

Have a great night and rest up for tomorrow.
Hi Ladies~ :)

Just popping in to say Hello. I'm sorry, I won't be to get to personals. I have been running ALL day, and it's not stopping now. I am heading out the door to visit my brother and then have to pick BF up at work.

I did get a chance to hit Power Yoga w/ Wendy today. We had a new instructor and she tore our asses up :)

W2 is over, and 100% clean .. WooHoo!! :)

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

FREE DAY for everybody today? Whatcha got planned?

I'm off in about an hour to my race. It's COOOOOOOOOOOLD and wet out there (rain mixed with snow). YUCK! I'm such a fair-weather runner, but I'm gonna do this! I'm shooting for AT LEAST a 36:00 finish. We'll see how I do. I'll be back with my results later today sometime. My older DS is going, and will be standing at the start/finish line timing me, and holding my Reese's Peanut Butter cups as my reward! LOL

I stepped on the scale and took week 7 pics this morning. Guess what! I'm down a huge chunk this week! I'm officially well into the 130s! I checked my progress over the past few years and the last time I was in the 130s was Nov 8, 2006! Over a year ago! LOVE IT! My total loss so far is 16.6!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!

Hi and Good Morning to you all,

I actually got up this morning to let the cat out and crawled back into bed and stayed there until 9am! Wow, I guess that was a well needed rest. I still woke with a headache this morning. Maybe it is time again to change my pillow type. I bought one of those neck support type which was fine for awhile but it is mainly for people who always sleep on their sides. I usually move from my back to my stomach which puts my neck at an odd angle. This could be causing straining and the results are the headaches. Try, Try again...

I did get in my cardio last night... finally. It felt great!
iTread set 1 40min. Made it all the way at the higher running speeds! Yeah! Slashed over 500 cals in this one. :7

Today is suppose to be free day for me but I think because I am going to be going on a trip soon this will be another clean-eating day. Doing great so far and feel good.

Jennifer: You are doing fantastic on your sticking with your plan. Good Job!:D

Gayle: Look forward to hearing about your race! Have a good one!

Hello to all that follow! Have a great day! BBL :)
Heidi-GREAT JOB on the runners' numbers! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

7K was AWESOME! Conditions were wintery to say the least. WInd, wet snow, 38 degrees, yada yada yada! My goal was 36:00 and I clocked in at 35:40!!!!!! Placed 2nd in my bracket! Another WOO HOO!!! I'm PUMPED up....

....and now enjoying Free Day!!!!!!!!

Awesome job Gayle!

How does your son feel about his mom doing these races? Does he want to join you sometime?

I always run better in the cold and love the winter weather. I know I must be nuts because when it is the nastiest weather I am running in the ice and snow storms. }(

Today is paperwork and more paperwork. I have been trying to train up a person to do my job while I am gone for 12 days in January. This has come down to me writing up instruction sheets to make it very clear on how things need to be entered into the system. My eyes are starting to bug out of my head from being on the computer for so long!

Time for a break...Going to go do LIS. :7

Again, Congratulations on your time you must feel great! :) :) :)


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