BFL for Tues. 7


Good morning girls,

Today I will do cardio:eek: Few more day's and I will see my DD Alesia and my 2 dogs!:D I can't wait to see them!

I will be back after my workout!
Hey Belinda! Have fun with cardio! Oh, I know you are so excited to see your DD and doggies! I am happy for you! Are you coming here or is she going there? What is the date?

I just did HIIT on the TM...sweaty! Finished showering, now just need to dry my hair and head off to work!

Hope everyone has a great day!

bbl, maybe!
Hi, Belinda! When you see Alesia, give her a T-12 hug from me, will you???

Steph-you snuck in on me. Great cardio workout!!! Have a good day at work!

I have to go back and read yesterday's posts. Yesterday was my busy day of the week with stuff after school, so this week should be a breeze from here on out! LOL Get the 'bad' day out of the way early, hugh?

OK...workout done. BFL Cardio HIIT and Core Max with the med and stability balls. I set my goal for cardio today as "DO NOT STOP, GAYLE"! I typed it in huge bold letters on my workout sheet and had it right on my TM console. It kept me going and I didn't stop. Hit my planned numbers and upped them just a bit for Thursday's cardio.

Today's plan: kids to school, I have PC work and some cleaning to do, work/school, kids to Religion class, then dinner for the gang (which includes SO and his kids).

BBL to check in on you all!

Good morning ladies --

I have to go back and read through yesterdays posts as well -- sorry I didn't get back for personals -- I actually had to 'work' while at work. Don't you hate that -- he he!

Anyway - just eeked out 2 miles. Oh my gosh! This is why I love BFL --ONLY 20 minutes of cardio. I just don't see how you ladies do it -- I soooo want to be a runner. Just gliding along, not out of breath, going on and on and on for mile after mile --okay Michelle, wake up!!!

I got my 2 miles in -- so done for the day!!

Gotta hit the showers -- I'll be back later today -- I promise!!

Hello everyone,

Won't be back until late. I have an appointment this morning out of town and will take most of the day.

Nice job everyone on their cardio!

Belinda: Have a great workout! I will be getting to mine later.

Have a great workout and a good day!
Michelle-I got a chuckle out of your running post. lol I used to think the same thing...but then I started an actual training program about 3+ years ago and before I knew it, I WAS running mile after mile just chugging along and chatting! At one point, during my long run of 14 miles, I was chatting along with my running partner (a great guy that was doing the Disney full with me) and we were about at mile 10 and I said....."can you BELIEVE we just ran 10 miles and are able to TALK and breath thru our noses instead of coughing and gagging and huffing and puffing!" LOL But it's true....if you want to run longer and have to run longer and farther! LOL

GREAT JOB on your 2 miles!!! That's a 10:00min mile, girl!!! WOO HOO!

Gotta scoot to work. Just downed Meal 2 and feeling GGGGGGGGGREAT!

Good morning ladies!

Busy morning for me, I'm just getting to M#1...:confused: It's getting harder and harder to get out of the house on time in the morning.

I did HIIT last night. I ended up doing a CC mish-mosh of short sprint and hill challenges. Tonight is UB after I get my hair done. I LOVE getting my hair done!!!

Hi girls,

I did 4DS LIS! That was it! I didn't feel good this morning, maybe I am coming down with something:eek: Hope not! Maybe I will do abs later or some yoga:eek: Maybe I lay on the couch and relax:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:?

Stephanie** my DD and my doggies are coming to Germany on Sunday! DD is only staying for a week! WTG on your run this morning!

Gayle** I will give her a big T 12 hug! LOL! Miss her so much, the good news is I talk to her every day! LOL! ^^^^^ 5 on your run and abs! Which reminds me, I have to work my abs today? LOL!

Heidi** good luck with your appointment this morning! Hope everything is ok? Enjoy your cardio later today!

Michelle** WTG on your 2 miles! I do struggle with my run once in awhile! Awesome job, girl! NOW I have to go to the gym on Thursday! LOL!
Belinda – Yay! What a wonderful reunion you have coming up. Give Alesia a big hug from all of us.

Steph – Great run! Did you get a chance to do your 5k race this weekend? Sorry if I missed it!

Gayle – What a great idea you have with the motivation sheet! I could use a little more self motivation myself lately, ugh.

Michelle – Great run too! Running gets easier once you get passed that “racing” heart feeling and get used to it, that’s the tough part in my opinion anyway. Gayle is so right, the longer you run the easier it gets because your body learns to adapt. You breath becomes more normal and your body is able to get rid of the lactic acid build up better. Hope that makes sense!

Heidi – How’s your aunt doing? I hope your appointment goes well!

Melissa – I do that too….sometimes the shorter intervals are easier mentally but just as tough physically as the long ones.

This morning I did the Core only premix from Cathe’s Bootcamp and tried out the new iTread 35 Jogger workout. Oh my! What I thought was going to be an “easy” workout turned out to be pretty tough, lol. Grace has you running most of the 37 minutes…alternating hills with speedwork. She broke it down into two categories, jogger 1 and jogger 2. I kept up with jogger 2 which was the faster speeds and at one point she has you running up a 6% hill at 6 mph….what the heck??? My heartrate reached 181 bpm after that segment! I would definitely classify this as a really good interval workout (not whimpy at all, lol). Anyway, I finished running it out until I hit 4 miles a couple of minutes later….whew!

By the way, my run this morning did feel like interval training --- I'm petrified of the dark, so wherever a street light was out I would dash up to the next one, next I'm scared of barking dogs - so would also speed up going by the houses I knew had big ones, and lastly, I hate looking like I'm such a slow runner so would speed up whenever I saw another jogger.

Gee, no wonder I didn't enjoy my run. I guess I need to focus on my breathing instead of everything else. Seriously, I don't think even Coach Sean could have given me a better workout!

I know you gals think I'm being funny ... but really, I'm serious!

Hey girls!!! AWESOME workouts done or planned!

OMG,why was I in such a hurry to get back in the working world?:confused: By the time I left that place I was ready for a drink;):D unfortunately my stinkin diet won't let me have one:mad:

so,no workout for me today. I probably won't workout tommorrow either:( I plan to start doing some cardio thursday...i won't get any weight work in until im sure my back is completely healed!;) My back is feeling alot better today,been icing it and taking meds.

have a great night everybody:D

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