BFL for Thu Feb 21st 2008

I was browsing over at the BFL forums and came across something interesting....

Everyone is talking about how it is Body for "Life" -- NOT for 12 weeks. They are all talking how they are tweaking things -- a little nibble here and there etc. Then a long-time poster who is always giving everyone guidance finally says (in summary) -- the CHALLENGE is for 12 weeks. You HAVE to get out of your comfort zone, it IS going to be HARD, you can ONLY eat the BFL food, and that you WILL see results if you do it right for 12 weeks. Then you can relax and tweak things to MAINTAIN for LIFE.

I don't know, it kind of hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm not seeing ALL the changes that I want -- obviously I'm not doing the CHALLENGE perfect. We all know that Gayle did it for 12 weeks -- ate 100% BFL and look at her results. Hers are the results that got us all motivated to do this!! Maybe I've been tweaking too much. Actually, I shouldn't be tweaking at all.

I think I'm going to REALLY focus this last month - get out of my comfort zone -- and really see what happens. Then after the 12 weeks is over -- start viewing it as a Body for "Life".

Just my thoughts,
Hey guys. WOW! Crazy day for me. Unexpected things came up at school this morning, and that was BEFORE I actually clocked in!

Then....the girls (my friends in the 'hood, lol) invited me at the last minute to meet them for pedicures after work! I ACCEPTED! I am now walking around with Pedicured Piggies! LOL Gorgeous, and WOW do I fee good!

Michelle, I COMPLETELY AGREE with what you said. Sometimes we tweek things TOO TOO TOO much and OVER think things. It's simple, really, when you LOOK AT AND STUDY the BFL program. SIMPLE, yet sometimes we MAKE it hard, don't we!

Join me and HEIDI, everybody! [font color=red]BACK TO BASICS![/font]

Hi again,

Just peeking....

Michelle: You can do anything you set your mind to. So go for it! Whether that is to go heavier, longer or eat better. This is your workout and recipe for the rest of your life. The 12 weeks is to shock your body in two ways: Learn to eat better and go full throttle with your workouts. That's what I get out of this information. After this challenge it is up to you to maintain good eating habits and exercise regularly like the doc orders.

Like Gayle: I have been following this plan since back in October. However, I feel the need to begin again for the reason I sort of fell off my current track. I am determined to keep my current weight loss where it is now and not go back. I also would like to see more strength gains and increase my endurance levels. This is my goal and everyone's goal is different. So do what is best for you.

Stephanie: As far as my planning out my meals it is important for me to have it written down. When I shop for the week I basically know what I am going to do. I make at least 4 large batches of the basic meals for the day...breakfast, lunch and dinners ahead. Pancakes, quiches, soups and stews. These are all divided into appropriate portions and frozen. Snacks are usually fresh fruit, yogurt and cottage cheese. I limit my intake of cheeses to twice a week.

This planning makes it easier for me when DH buys foods that just aren't something I want to put into my mouth. Like this past weekend he bought stuff for meatball subs, pizza and chips. I have my quick meals ready and waiting so we both can be happy. :)

I hope this explaination helps you with your planning. :D

Time to go take DS for his haircut. BBL Heidi
Hi everyone,

Late to the party to day but stayed home and had a fireplace put in. Actually a woodstove but fireplace sounds so much nicer. It is so nice looking

Anyway I did get up and do Spinervals IronGirl workout B. Good workout and it was 33 minutes.

Kathy - I do have all the runervals that come in the package deal - hubby got them for me for Christmas a couple years ago. When I get a chance I will go down and get 6 & 7 and let you know.

Heidi - I like runervals, part of the spinervals collection as someone has already given the website. I, for some reason, seem to push myself harder with runervals than I do the iTreads. I think it is because I see people and I want to be like them ;-)

I haven't done all the runervals to date as I am not that advanced when it comes to running, so I usually do walking/jogging. I am improving slowly.

Gayle - thanks for the insight on doing leg extensions. If I understood correctly, you do the workout right through deadlifts and then rewind and do leg extensions while she is doing deadlifts or do you stop before deadlifts and get doing leg ext?

I went to the BFL site and jotted down some exercises and it seems like there are not a lot of leg exercises to do. Cathe's workouts seem to give a better variety and longer workout.

I am on week 2 so I have a ways to go before I am done. I am thinking each 4 weeks to mix it up a bit.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. To Survivor fans ... who is going to get voted off tonight - gotta make sure I am ready to relax by then.

Gayle - Pedicured Piggies!!! I'm envious.

Rhonda - enjoy your woodstove! I could use one right about now. It's COOLLLLDDD here and we are expecting more snow tomorrow night! It's a great idea to mix things up every 4 weeks.

Upper Body workout for me tonight. I already have it all planned out and I can't wait to get home and GET IT ON! Then I have to run to the grocery store for some good stuff!!

You girls are really making me think about this 12-week process. I have been adding little things in here and there. I'm getting too comfortable. I'm definitely not drinking enough water either. Gotta step that up. Time to tighten things up and make these last 4 weeks better than the first 4 weeks!!
Stephanie-look how HANDSOME that boy of your is! He’s a cutie! Is that a dimple I see on his cheek ??? Be sure to let us know your reviews of those soups….I LOVE THEM (and they freeze and re-heat very well)!!!

Carolyn-oh MAN those battles we face ahead! We parents deserve a MEDAL once our kids are grown, don’t we? LOL

Michelle-I got the joke too, but after I read your post like 5 times! LOL At first I thought, “WOW….she was sick and STILL did the ellip and abs” LOL. I’m a bit slow sometimes!

Melissa-YES…switch things up a bit….103 is FANTASTIC! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!! What’s the scoop on those banana protein pancakes, my dear???

Heidi-great WORKOUT!!!!! I love that Core Max on the ball…..especially those pikes! Your food prep sounds identical to mine! I do the exact same thing!

Rhonda-I do PLB right thru the deadlifts, then I just go back to the deadlift chapter and do the leg extensions while the gang does the deadlifts (again, lol) (I’m currently using 57.75/68.75/79.57 and back down again for those exercises). As for lower body moves, it does seem at times that there aren’t a lot of leg movements, BUT….remember that it just takes ONE simple change to a move to make it different. For instance, instead of regular static lunges, you can put your back foot up on a step. OR for deadlifts, you can raise your toes by putting then on a 3# weight. Just a simple change makes the move different in a few ways!

That discussion on the 12 week thing. It’s a great one to look at from many angles! 12 weeks is a great time period to TEST and PUSH yourself. It’s doable, and not too overwhelming. BUT….we DO need to realize that a full YEAR is made up of more that 4-12 week cycles! Work for the first 12, then the NEXT 12, then the NEXT! And like Michelle (and so many of US, it just becomes LIFE)!

I really believe that what happened to me during my 2nd challenge was that “comfort” feeling that Melissa mentioned. My first challenge, I was very VERY strict during the week…no little nibbles, no ‘extra’ snack because I was hungry. The ONLY thing I may have added in between meals (maybe because I was getting hungry early or whatever), was a serving of veggies like steamed broccoli or carrots. This NEW challenge of mine…it’s all about Back to Basics!

As for teenage love….I dated the same guy from junior high all the way thru my Senior Year in HS! My parents LOVED him, and we all got together on weekends and played cards and games. It was great….but I wonder, now, what my parents thought about how serious we were at such a young age! (it turned out he slept with another girl, during our Senior Year…guess he got tired of ‘waiting’ for me! I broke up with him the following summer when we left for college and he BEEFED up on steroids! LOL NOW….his younger brother is my older DS’s teacher! HA!)

We’re expecting a winter storm tonight, starting after midnight. They’re forecasting 6” of snow and freezing rain, which means the kids and I are counting on a SNOW DAY tomorrow. For tomorrow’s workout, I’m planning on BFL upper body weights, followed by a 4 mile run (thinking iTread 25 Top 40???).

Today’s meals were:
M1: Scrambled egg wrap
M2: stuffed green pepper
M3: bar, 1 string cheese
M4: White Bean soup
M5: 5 oz smoked turkey sausage, Roasted Veggie soup, steamed broccoli
M6: apple, 2 string cheese (during Survivor)


p.s. I can’t stop looking at my piggies! Melissa….I kept thinking of YOU during the whole thing! The ladies and I had a great time just hanging out and chatting! We pretty much took over the one corner of the salon! HA

ETA: I just checked in on the BFL Tracker contest voting, and the winners should be announced between Monday and Wednesday of next week! Keep your fingers crossed!
Gayle - that's a RIOT that you thought of me during your pedicure!!! LOL. Oh and the banana protein muffins (not pancakes!) are very easy to make IF you have banana protein powder. You could probably substitute another flavor though. I think someone mentioned chocolate. Anyway, it was posted in OD and I think it's a recipe from Oxygen:

2/3 cup old fashioned oats
1 scoop banana protein powder
1 egg white
cinnamon (I use a good amount)
1 packet of Splenda (I omit this. I don't think it needs it.)

Mix all together and add enough water to make it more like batter. I never really measured the water, I just add it in a little at a time. You can bake this in a mini loaf pan, but I divide it into four muffin cups and cook at 375 until done, about 20 minutes. These muffins are fairly small and dense. They are close enough to banana bread for me, though!

I did the calories on Sparkpeople and for the whole thing it's 345 calories, 43 carbs, 7 g fat, 30 g protein. I count 2 muffins as one serving.
You're welcome. No, it only makes 4 muffins. I'm not even sure they get big enough to qualify as a muffin. They don't really rise. It's more like the muffin minus the top! :+

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