
Good Morning BFL'ers.....
Where was everyone yesterday? Is it a long weekend in the States as well as Canada? Hopefully everyone just didn't have time to check in yesterday, instead of everyones given up already.
Everything is going good with me.I have picked a little at eater eggs but I haven't over indulged(like on a normal day).
Today is lower body.I am also going for a run before I do weights.I have been running all winter on my treadmill and now that I have taken my runs outside,my legs are sore! It must be totally different. So my legs are already sore but I have to do PLB.SHould be interesting.
ANyway,I should get going.I hope everyone checks in...I didn't drive everyone away did I?
Hi Lori~
I have today off so I am enjoying my morning and will do L & G in about an hour or so. Yesterday I was feeling fatigued and I missed my cardio but will make up for it later this afternoon. I wonder if I felt such exhaustion because I have been training very intensely the past 3 days.
Is PLB very repetitive that it borders on being boring? I know so many people enjoy it and I wonder if it got boring due to the number of reps of the same exercise. I don't like the BFL way of training (also I hate doing all upper body in one workout. How does Bill Phillips get it all done in 45 minutes?)Have a great BFL day!
I think it could get boring but the pain that comes with it, makes you want to go back for more. I also think that PUB could get boring faster then PLB could.She mixes it up with the ball workouts at the end.
I am finding that I am not hungry in the morning which is making it hard.I have to force myself to eat.I am going for a run now and I knew that I would never last if I didn't get something in my system.So I had to force myself to eat.
Hello ladies,

I am sorry I haven't been posting - I've been having to deal with (YIKES) abdominal pain since Tuesday and haven't been able to work out. I was diagnosed with IBS about two years ago, but I am not convinced that is what I really have. The only symptom I get is stabbing pains to my left side. They pretty much seem to come out of nowhere and last a day or two, or three... I feel good today and will try to do Legs 'N Glutes tonight. Eating has been pretty nonexistent for me this week due to the pains, but at least I'm not overeating!!
I have to look for the positive in this, right? I tried to do BootCamp on Wednesday, but the jumping was too much. SO I started the warmup for StepBlast, but couldn't do that either. I realized I better just wait it out, but that's frustrating when you have the desire to workout and you can't.

I know what you mean about the Pyramids possibly getting boring. My remedy for that is to throw in a total body day when I can like Power Hour. Or, like today, do Legs 'N Glutes, or Leaner Legs. I know they are more endurance but if it's helps keep you motivated, all the better I say! Also, it's neat to see how much more you can handle endurance-wise after doing Pyramids for a while. I also think SuperSets may be acceptable, so you could do the upper from that.

Well, this is getting long so I'll go for now.
Keep up the good work!!

Hey, I'm still here:eek: :)

I did PLB yesterday, not too boring for me yet!! I did most of UB today but ran out of time due to DH Bday and all the activities.

Sorry to hear about the abdominal pain, Tricia. Hope you figure out what's going on!

Eating was out of wack somewhat and I'll have to count it as my free day and be dicsiplined on Easter.

Have a nice one,

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