BFFM E-Book Question


For those of you who have downloaded this book, did you have it printed somewhere? If so, how do you do that and how much does a place charge to print so many pages. I'm arguing with DH about the cost of this book. He thinks it's all terribly expensive and going to cost a ton to print (not to mention he doesn't think it's worth it even though he hasn't seen anything about it). And before anyone jumps on me :) I can buy it if I want to. I don't have to have his permission. But I would like to convince him it's not going to cost an arm and a leg to print and that it's going to be worth the money. Oh - and does it have color graphics (therefore making it more expensive to print)?



"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Susan, I took mine to Office Max for printing. I think the cost was around $35 total for printing and binding. They put it in a nice spiral bound notebook kind of thingy. I had to demonstrate proof of purchase and show them where permission is granted to print one copy for personal use...I think it's in the beginning of the book somewhere.


Michele :)
I printed mine at home and it used half an ink cartridge. The book is worth every penny I paid for it.
I just got this a couple of weeks ago and am still getting through it but I love it. It really explains in detail proper nutrition, weight loss (and fat loss), cardio and weight training and what to do and how to get in lean, muscular shape. It explains why weight training is so important (high lean muscle mass = high metabolism) better for burning the calories. It explains how to lose body fat (which is more important that weight loss). It says the most efficient approach to fat loss is to decrease your calories a little and your activity a lot. It says to use exercise to burn the fat rather than diets to starve the fat (if your calorie levels get too low, your body goes into starvation mode and you won't lose). It explains why exercise - not dieting is the superior method of losing body fat. It helps you determine your minimal calorie requirements and why you should never drop below them. It tells you to eat more frequently and never skip meals (5-6 meals a day) and why that is so important. It tells you how to determine your fat to muscle ratio and the proper percentage of body fat you should have and how to measure body fat. It shows you how to determine your true ideal weight. It tells you how to break fat loss plateaus and knowing when to push harder and when to rest and recover. It tells you how to determine your body type and how to train with the body type you have. It tells you how many calories you need for maintenance and for losing weight. It tells you that eating frequently makes you burn more calories and 5 or 6 meals a day accelerates your natural rate of calorie burning. It tells you the 12 best foods you should eat all the time and the 12 foods you should never eat. It says aerobic exercise is the real secret to losing body fat and gives you duration guidelines for cardio workouts. It tells you how hard you should exercise, how to calculate your fat-burning heart rate zone and when is the best time to exercise. It also explains whey weight training has to do with losing fat and why you can't succeed without it to lose fat permanently.

Sorry for the long post. These are just some of the things this book tells you. There are just too numerous to mention. I would highly recommend that you get this book even if it is a little pricey. It has a wealth of information in easy to read understandable terms.

I was really pissed not too long ago when I purchased BFFM E book and about two weeks later my computer crashed....I lost EVERYTHING. I only had the chance to print out the intro and all that supplemental stuff they sent me.x( x(

Guess I have no option but to buy it again!! It did look worth the $ however, but I never got to the part I did not know already, lol
I agree with Susan.

I had a similar problem. I emailed them and they provided me with the link again.

Take care,
Thank you for the detailed response- really - you've answered a lot of questions for me and I am convinced- I am at that point where I've been weight training for a while-but not seriously-and I want to start seeing more definition-I also like the idea of NOT taking supplements-I am so glad I found this guy's website cuz it sounds like alot of my questions will be answered.-thanks again, deb

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