BFFM 5/3/06


Good morning,

August, this is a great concern, and I would love it if you educated crowd would help with this. This is August questions and concerns.

"One thing that sort of surprised me (I guess it should please me but for now the newness of it just sits weirdly) was that when I calculated my "ideal" weight to my goal body fat %, the weight in pounds turned out to be 3 pounds heavier than I am right now. Of course, who knows, that might be totally wrong because I'm measuring my body fat on a stinkin', lyin', no-friend-of-mine Tanita scale!

Are you guys using the Accu-measure?

After writing that I decided to calculate some other body fat % to see what happened and it seems like what I thought was my "goal" body fat % (20%) puts me at a higher weight, where 17% puts me at a lower one.

Does that mean that I'm not setting my goal high enough?

No, no, I know it's not about the pound numbers but still...maybe I should shoot for 17% so that I don't have the mindset of needing to gain weight, which sounds weird!"

Kathy, I am looking forward to your eating ideas tonight.

"Whoo Hoo"
-Cathe Friedrich-
Hello, everyone!

Thank you, Janie, for putting my questions on the new thread, that's very considerate of you. If anyone has any comments or anything, I'd surely love to hear them.

I've been reading like a nut and am now on chapter 9. I've been eating roughly 40/30/30 for a few months now and have all my standard meals and their macro balances written down...I'm thinking I'm going to try the balance they suggest as a starter in the book, so I guess I'll go through all my balanced meals and rebalance them. I've also been eating 6 meals a day but that has been leaving me with fairly small meals, so maybe I'll shoot for 5.

Have you guys been zig-zagging?

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