Better Results: Slow/heavy or Pure Strength?


Please anyone willing to answer i would appreciate! I am wondering as far as results go .. what worked better for you .. slow and heavy series or pure strength series.. Ive got pretty good results with the ps series .. thanks again..

Hi Kandeycane
I have gotten great results from doing a rotation of 3 weeks of S&H and then 6 weeks of PS. I find that if I do more than 3 weeks of S&H I get bored. Amy Jo
I did an 8-week rotation of PS and then a 4-week rotation of S&H.
During the 8 weeks of PS, I had strength gains and the beginnings of tricep and shoulder development, and at the end of my 2nd week of S&H, my triceps were considerably more defined and my shoulders literally popped up overnight!
I believe I probably would have had the same development eventually if I had continued a longer PS Series rotation, but I tend to lose ground (weight loss wise) if I remain on a particular rotation too long, so I change up every 6-8 weeks or so. But I think the S&H rotation really accelerated my muscle development.
Great question. I'm wondering the same. I have S&H and LOVE it. I'm on week 2 of a rotation. My favorite is shoulders and legs. Tonight it's chest and back. So far I've seen good progress. I'm thinking i'll do this for 4 weeks.

Just not sure if I need PS as well. I've also got PH for strength...

would love to hear others on S&H and PS
When doing slow and heavy how many time a week do you do each tape? Also do you do cardio on the same day?

When I do S&H I do each tape once per week and 3 cardios. I have read that too much cardio can hinder muscle growth, and this really is enough for me. I think people think they need more cardio than they really do. I did PS a long time and also cardio 5x a week and really saw NO results. Of course this is just me! I love S&H! I finally have muscles!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-02 AT 05:27AM (Est)[/font][p]Wow, Great Results!!!!!!
I Got The Video's for Christmas. But have just Started Using them, Not Because I Didn't want Too!!!
I Just got over Being Very Sick.
Sat. I did Legs & Shoulders & Triceps & Biceps back to back Oh Was I Sore on Sun. & Even Mon.
I'm Going to use them 4 a Month. before Switching.
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,

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