RE: Imax!
Honeybunch said a mouthful when she said IMAX!! What a workout!! But I don't know if you meant intervals or steady state or both. So I thought I give you a steady state aerobic video also(when I say steady state, I mean your HR is sky high for pretty much the whole workout. He he) I really like Step Works. I tried Step Max for the first time Tues. night and enjoyed that one alot too!! Now I'm going to give you one last suggestion, and you didn't even ask for this, but this is my all time favorite video to date!! BODYMAX!!! It is awesome!!! You'll get a step workout(intense), a power circut section(step and lower body with barbell and weights) and then an upper body strength section that is similar to MIS, but a little faster in delivery. I love love love this tape!! It's also very easy to seperate the sections if you don't want an hour and a half workout. OK, there are my suggestions, Let us know what you get!!