best rotation or dvd for losing weight and building muscles....

Hi Cathe, or to anyone else who knows the anwser, What is the best workout dvd or rotation if a person wants to lose weight and build muscle defintion at the same time? I recently had a visit with a dietician( a family friend) and gave her my workout and eating regimen. She told me that I need to eat clean if I want to get the buff body and I will not achieve my goal unless I do. I am currently on the weight watchers program following the flex plan and lost 11 lbs in 3 months. The problem with the flex plan (for me) is that I eat whatever I want as long as I count the points. If I am close to my points by midday, I will eat mostly fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water. Which explains why I have lost only 11 lbs in 3 months. According to my dieticia, I can workout until the cows come home but if I dont master my eating I wont see the results I am looking for. I know that eating plays an important role, but just choose to ingore it or lie to my self.

She recommedend the eat clean book by Reno Tusca or follow the core plan from weight watchers (eating as clean as possible). I purchased the book and have read it throughly and began the eating plan this morning. But my questions is what workout or rotation is good to follow if I want to lose weight and gain muscle defintion. I was thinking of using the pyramids 2x a week and cardio at least 4x a week. Any suggestion from you and anyone esle would be greatly appreciated. :)
Not Cathe, but you may want to post this in the Open Discussion forum as well since you will also have access to a lot of fitness savvy advice. Clean eating is extremely important- probably one of the most important factors in weight loss and achieving the toned look you desire. Fitness is also another factor, so you will have to probably start with a combo of strength and cardiovascular exercises to lose the fat and slowly gain definition. Just remember that you can be hiding muscle under the layer of fat, so it is important to utilize cardio and weights (more muscle-higher metabolism). The scale is tricky, so don't always use that as an indicator of fat loss. You can lose a lot of fat, but gain muscle weight which can throw off your numbers on the scale. Go by how your clothes fit. Don't forget to post this in the open discussion forum:)

Some links to other rotations:

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