Best Plan for Fat Loss/Muscle Gain w/o Weight Loss?


Hi Cathe. I could use a bit of advice. I have been losing weight steadily over the last year and recently reached my goal weight of 124. I am a recovering compulsive overeater, so I follow a strict food plan from a nutritionist with weighed and measured meals (1800 calories, including about 115 grams of protein per day). I do advanced step workouts 3 times a week, 40-50 minutes each, plus weights (1 day upper, 1 day lower, 1 day full body). My nutritionist wants me to maintain my current weight, as my BMI is at the low end of healthy, but to continue to reduce my body fat from it's current 25% to 20%. So this means I need to gain about 6 pounds muscle and lose an equal amount of fat.

I need advice for the best exercise plan to achieve these goals. Should I do less cardio and more weight training for a while? Maybe 3 days a week full body weight training with only one heavy cardio day in there? Right now I am super skinny on top and still have a fair amount of excess fat on my hips/thighs (a classic pear). I really don't want to get any thinner on top, but sure would like to lose the rest of the lower body fat. Would it help to focus on heavy weights for upper body and lighter weights for lower body?

I would very much appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks!


I do not have any advice for you, but I want to welcome you to the forums. I am another Heather who has been walking in victory over binge eating for 2 years and 10 months now. Congratulations on your weight loss and especially for getting your eating under control. That takes hard work and determination. Keep pressing on!

I am a pear too. Leaner Legs and Cathe’s kickboxing workouts are very effective for me. Since you are working with a nutritionist, I am assuming that your eating is already clean. When I get to where you are with my body fat, I am planning to add muscle with the upper body workouts from the Slow and Heavy Series, but Cathe may have a better idea for you. I wish you continued success for the rest of your journey.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Congratulations

WOW! congrats on your weight loss!!!

This is a good question, hope that cathe answers it for ya!
intersted to see what she has to say!

take care:)
RE: Congratulations

Bumping for you!1 Congrats on the weight loss, I hope Cathe sees this to help further along your acheivements!!:) :) :)
RE: Best Plan for Fat Loss/Muscle Gain w/o Weight Loss...

Great accomplishment Heather, and great question. I'm bumping this post up because I'm wondering the same thing for myself.

Heidi :)

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