Best and most informative book(s)


I asked this question a year or so back, and I did not get a reply, but now my husband and I are seriously thinking about "trying," so I'm giving it another try. What would be the best and most informative book (or books) that would help prepare me for a possible pregnancy? Would something like "What to Expect When You're Expecting" (hope that's the correct title) be good? What would you all recommend?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Teresa,

I read that book, and found it interesting and informative. I've also had recommended to me "Baby Whisperer" (I think that's the name)....but I haven't read it to give you a good review. Are you looking for a book that is more about the developing fetus or about after the baby comes?

Thanks for your response! I suppose I am more interested in the pregnancy part as far as changes in me AND what's going on with the baby. I think I'll go ahead and get the "What to...." book and go from there. Thanks again!!
I have not read any of the books out there, but one of my friends highly recommends "the Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" by Vickie Lovine. She preferred it over "What to expect..." but I have heard lots of good things about both books.

I did journal in my pregnancies using "The Pregnancy Journal" by A. Christine Harris, Ph.D. It provides day-to-day information regarding mom and baby. There are other journals out there.

Best of luck to you! Take care!
Another book I would highly recommed is one on how to conceive. It is by Toni Weschler (sp?) and the title is Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I would highly recommend this book to anyone trying or not trying to get pregnant - not as a form of birth control, just because it's very insightful to the female reproductive anatomy.

It took me almost a year to get pg with my son. After reading this book, I was pg with my daughter within 3 months.

Good luck!

Prenatal Parenting by Frederick Worth, also
The Prenatal Prescription by Peter Nathanielsz & Christopher Vaughan. Both are very good!
Taking Charge of Your Fertility is the best book out there. Everyone should have it, regardless of whether or not they are trying to conceive.
It is an EXCELLENT book! I work in a family planning clinic, and I agree everyone should have this book. I can't count the number of women from every age group that have no idea about their own bodies. I think it should be one of the text books for "sex ed".
I am 16 weeks and I have already read many books! Many of my friends said that the "What to Expect" book was not the best, so I didn't read that. I did read (and LOVE) the "Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy". For a first-timer it gives you the real scoop on all aspects of pregnancy, even the not-so-pleasant ones. I also love "Your Pregnancy Week by Week". This has a chapter for each week of your pregnancy showing you the exact size of the baby and telling you exactly what is going on with the baby and with you. Also had some great info about all kinds of topics - like when I had an abnormal pap smear it assured me that this is quite normal in pregnant women because of changing hormones. Every week I look forward to reading a new chapter. I gave this to my sister who is newly pregnant and she loves it too. Now I have moved on to books for when the baby is here. There are so many!! Good luck and happy reading!

"Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by James F. Clapp, M.D. is a must have for the more seriously active pregnant woman.
Good Luck!

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