Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated

I'm not surprised given past events. She really was a fascinating woman with quite a bit of moxie.
I was shocked when I read this story today. I'm just broken-hearted. She was a really great woman. To have her meet her end in this barbaric manner is just awful.

I was surprised this happened so quickly. Very sad and troubling for the future of the country.
I was watching t.v. this morning when the news broke and I just cried. She knew she would be targeted but wanted to speak anyway. It gives me chills to think that you know you could be killed one moment and then it happens and you're gone the next moment. Just awful!

I thought she was a terrific lady and I admired her. She knew she was putting herself in harms way and did it anyway because she believed in the cause.

Her dad was executed in the 70s when the military took over, her brother was killed. And she wanted to make a difference. Gotta be in awe of some people who are willing to risk their own life to make the world better place.

I feel for her kids and her family. Just aweful!!! But she was one gutsy lady!!!
I'm sick. And worse, If this plunges Pakistan into civil war the entire world isn't safe. They have The Bomb and in the wrong hands... Pray hard.
A friend of mine and his wife are actually in Karachi at the moment for a family wedding. What a troubling time it must be for them. The occasion will be memorable but maybe for all the wrong reasons...
My BF is from Karachi, Pakistan. Alot of her family still lives there. I haven't had the chance to talk to her about this yet. I hope her family is safe.

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