belly bigger even after lipo and tummy tuck

Yes Candi I am still losing with Cinch. I usually weigh in on Wednesday, but will not do so this week because I am PMSing. I know myself well enough to know that if I see a number on the scale that isn't what I want, even though I'll know WHY, I'll allow myself to be discouraged. So I'll weigh in next Wed. But I put on my "skinny jeans" today and they fit with some wiggle room to spare! So Cinch is working for me, though I've said elsewhere on these boards that I don't think it is a program for everyone. I still have 10 more pounds to go, and my eye is on the holidays. So I'll keep on it.

Michelle - I'm glad to see that you're getting some really good advice on this issue. Trash those processed carbs - go for the good and healthy ones! :)


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I'm so happy for you, Lorrie. You're tenacity has paid off!
Why do you think this program is working while other things that you have tried didn't?
Because for the first time ever I have reduced both calories and working out at the same time. Last year when I worked with a personal trainer and reg dietician she told me (as so many others had) that for as much as I was working out I had to up my calories to avoid starvation mode - blah blah blah. I talked to a plastic surgeon who believed that "starvation mode" is a bunch of hooey. Didn't work for me - I gained 15 pounds! ICK!

But I stopped killing/cannabalizing my muscles with too much cardio, and I cut back on the calories. I really do think we all struggle with what works and heaven knows there are so many different theories. As you probably know, I had tried just about all of them. But cutting back on both seems to be yielding slow and steady results, so as I said I'll hang with it a bit longer. And the upside for me is that I really like Cinch. Go figure. :)


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Thanks for sharing, Lorrie :) We endos have it tougher than most when it comes to fat loss.

You know, I just got to thinking, maybe it's also because you upped your calories for awhile and then dropped them back down and lowered your cardio?!

I don't believe in the starvation mode least not for myself :p
Try books by Dr. Andrew Weil. He has a few on eating well. They will give you some really solid guidance on what is needed and what is appropriate.
Oh I am a firm believer in the "starvation mode". When I'm training for a long run, and doing P90X, I can pretty much eat what I want and I don't gain a pound. If I am careful and keep the calories around 2400 (I'm 5'10) I lose weight - if I go below 1800, I gain... Go figure.
Thanks to all who have responded to this.

It made me take a serious look at my eating and I went grocery shopping this evening to buy more fruits and veggies and change things around.

I will keep you posted.

Hi Michelle,

since you spent the money and probably still have the materials, try WW's core program. That is a really good "whole food" program. I lost my first 17 lbs doing "core". The Fat Free cheese can be gross, but that can be modified. I know your frustration, I've lost and gained the same 50 lbs and then lost it again. It's hard, but you can do it!


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