beginner videos for a preggo?


Hi Cathe (and others)

I know you can't offer medical advice, but hopefully you can give an opinion on this. I've been out of the exercise loop for several weeks since finding out that I am pregnant and dealing with weeks of morning sickness and that sort of fun. I know I can't start back with your regular workouts because they were hard for me before! I wonder if the beginner workouts would be "easy" enough to do but yet challenging.

I'd love your thoughts!

Hello Amy, Congratulation on the news. I know I am not Cathe, but I thought I would share my pregnancy workout experience with you.

With my first pregnancy, I was able to continue doing Cathe's step (Power Max, Step Max and Step fit) until my 6th month of pregnancy. After the sixth month, my body did not want to step anymore and the only exercise I could do was the elipitical machine at the gym and lite weight training. (I gained more during my 1st than my 2nd (40 vs 25)

During my second pregnancy, I was able to step up until the day I gave birth. I think at about the end of the 7th month, I was unable to do Cathe tapes anymore, but I was able to continue stepping. I remember doing this extremely easy Cher tape, but I loved the music and her outfits were pretty entertaining. I also used Kathy Smith step tapes and a couple of early Gin Miller. I found that anything with very easy chorography and no jumping was great and I felt just fine.

Try to do whatever feels comfortable, and don't over-exert yourself. Lower your step, and be careful. Most of all listen to your body. Sometimes it is better to go for a brisk walk. During pregnancy your sense of balance can become compromised and step may be a little difficult. Watch your heart rate too, don't let it get to high.

Happy exercising. Alicia

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